Tshwane North TVET College Online Registration –

Tshwane North TVET College Online Registration –


Tshwane North TVET College Registration –

Tshwane North TVET College Registration – – See Details Below:
Visit the TNC iEnabler registration portal https://bit.ly/3neGRJr then log in with your student number and pin. If you encounter any problems with your online registration, please read the error message carefully before making any form of query.

Do go through the college’s social media pages or website for frequently asked questions, once you are satisfied that the information you are looking for is not on any of our platforms, then you can contact the college. This will enable less frustration and help your registration to go timely.
If you require any further assistance regarding your registration, please contact TNC’s Help Desk on 012 401 1600 or send an e-mail to info@tnc.edu.za You are welcome to send an e-mail to one of the campuses if you have campus specific registration enquiries

CampusSupport LineE-mail address
Mamelodi Campus012 401 1800mamelodicampus@tnc.edu.za
Pretoria Campus012 401 1601pretoriacampus@tnc.edu.za
Rosslyn Campus012 401 1750rosslyncampus@tnc.edu.za
Soshanguve North Campus012 401 1900soshanorth@tnc.edu.za
Soshanguve South Campus012 401 1999soshasouth@tnc.edu.za
Temba Campus012 401 1700tembacampus@tnc.edu.za



On line registration new studentsAll programmes11 – 15 Jan
Senior students (promoted) Online registration –depends on final results have been receivedAll programmes18 – 20 Jan
Occupational programmes19 – 27 Jan
Students with 1 & 2 subject’sAll programmes21 – 22 Jan
Exam Only registrationAll programmes25 – 27 Jan
NC(V) Supplementary ExaminationNC(V)4 – 12 Feb

We look forward to welcoming you as a student for the academic year. We advise you to register as soon as possible and not to wait until the last minute.


Tshwane North TVET College Online Application has been published below. The Tshwane North TVET College TNC online application has been open for admissions into various programs in the institution. Tshwane North TVET College Online Application Form can be accessed below. The Tshwane North Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College is one of the 50 Public TVET Colleges in South Africa. Tshwane North TVET College is situated in the Greater Tshwane Metropolis area of Gauteng. It consists of a Corporate Office situated in the inner city of Pretoria and six delivery sites (campuses) namely: Mamelodi; Pretoria; Temba; Rosslyn and Soshanguve South and North Campuses.

See also  University of the Western Cape Online Application Form

Tshwane North TVET College Online Application Procedure

You can apply online by visiting Tshwane North TVET College Online Application portal through the link as stated below. Applicants can also visit the school to book an online application session.
You can use either your smartphone, tablet or computer to apply online via the student i-Enabler, using your PIN and student number to log on

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Applicants should apply for admission for the current level and the next level of your application
Make sure you upload all the required documents and pay the necessary fees.


The application fee is stated in the application form.
If you want your application to be processed by the college, make sure you complete your application and submit all supporting documents before the application closing date.

Kindly check the links below before your proceed:

1.Tshwane North TVET College Fees Structure
2.Tshwane North TVET College Admission Requirements
3.Tshwane North TVET College Courses Offered

How to Apply

Step 1: Get your application form.
All new applications are online
Choose your campus to enroll: Click to check: Tshwane North Tvet College Campuses
That I have a valid e-mail address and cellphone number, and I accept that TNC will communicate with me during the application process using this e-mail address and cellphone number. Please ensure that you provide only one e-mail address and one cellphone number during the application process.


Step 4: Submit your applicationA confirmation email will be sent to you with all the application information.

See also  University Of Venda Undergraduate Application Guideline


Step 1: Applications received.


1.Applicants with the course specific/recommended subjects.Application in progress
2.Applicants who do not have the course specific/recommended subjects.X – Not admitted/Applicant Unsuccessful
3.Applicants who did not attach visible documents.ND – Outstanding document urgently.

X – Not admitted Applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements, Business studies students applying for Engineering etc.
ND – Outstanding documents urgently They will be contacted and given another chance to email their documents.
All the applicants will receive the automated email response from the college to say Application received.
Step 2: Selection has been done by the committee.


1.Selected applicantApplication successful
2.Not Selected applicantX – Not admitted/Applicant Unsuccessful

Unsuccessful applicationsNS – Capacity Restrictions
Applicants who qualified but could not be accommodated due to capacity.
ND – Outstanding documents
Applicants who failed to upload or email supporting documents.
AU – Application Unsuccessful
Applicant does not meet minimum admission requirement .