St. Martin’s School Fees

St. Martin’s School Fees

Fee Structure

New Competitive Tuition Fees as of January 2024.
Please note, that the fees detailed below are tuition only. A full fee schedule will be published soon.


Ancillary Levy, Boarding and outsourced sports costs are over and above the tuition fee.

St Martin’s new tuition fees, effective January 2024.Per AnnumPer TermPer Month January to October
SCHOOL FEESRandsRandsRands
Day PupilsGrade 000
(Children from two and a half years old)
65 00021 6676 500
Grade 0065 00021 6676 500
Grade 065 00021 6676 500
Grade 180 00026 6678 000
Grade 280 00026 6678 000
Grade 380 00026 6678 000
Grade 4105 00035 00010 500
Grade 5105 00035 00010 500
Grade 6105 00035 00010 500
Grade 7105 00035 00010 500
Form One – Form Four115 00038 33311 500
Form Five120 00040 00012 000



School Fees and Ancillary Charges as of January 2023.

Monthly payments are to be made over a 10-month period from January to October. All fees, levies and ancillary charges are due on the first day of each termPer AnnumPer TermPer Month January to October
SCHOOL FEESRandsRandsRands
Day PupilsGrade 000
(Children from two and a half years old)
48 49016 1634 849
Grade 0058 59019 5305 859
Grade 068 60022 8676 860
Grade 175 55525 1857 556
Grade 275 55525 1857 556
Grade 375 55525 1857 556
Grade 485 69528 5658 570
Grade 588 94029 6478 894
Grade 688 94029 6478 894
Grade 794 07031 3579 407
Grade 8123 58541 19512 359
Grade 9142 83047 61014 283
Grade 10 – 12144 21048 07014 421
Boarders (Excluding Tuition Fees)
Grade 7 – 12105 00035 00010 500
Grade 7 -12
(Weekly Boarding: Mon to Fri)
R2 625/
per week
Ancillary Levy
Grade 000 – 75 5351 845554
Grade 8 – 122 055685206
Other Charges
Text Books and StationeryGrade 8 – 12 (compulsory)To be charged
External IEB ExamGrade 12To be charged
Swimming LessonsGrade 000 – 2To be charged
Optional Extras
BreakfastGrade 1 – 128 2802 760828
LunchGrade 1 – 1210 0003 3331 000
DinnerGrade 1 – 128 4502 817845
Bus Service13 0004 3331 300
Afternoon SupervisionGrade 000 – 0Included in the tuition fee
Afternoon SupervisionGrade 1 – 7R110/per afternoon
Educational Levy1 550517155
PSA 200 Club2809328

Enrolment Fee:
Upon acceptance of a place, an enrolment fee of R12,000 per student is payable.

Family Discount:
1st Child: Full tuition fee
2nd Child: 2.5% discount on the tuition fee
3rd Child: 5% discount on the tuition fee
4th Child: 10% discount on the tuition fee

The School has 3 Payment Options, these are as follows:

  1. Annual Fees are payable by the 31st January 2023. A discount of 4.5% will be applied when annual fees are paid by 31st December 2023.
  2. Termly Fees are payable on the first day of the term.
  3. Monthly Fees are payable on the first day of each month from January to October via the School’s Debit Order system. If payments are not paid annually or termly in advance, it will be assumed that fees will be paid in advance from January to October.

One school term’s notice is required when withdrawing a student from the school and/or discontinuing boarding.

Deposits and Fees to be effected by direct transfer to:

Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: The Glen
Branch Code: 006005
Account Number: 002860929
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ

See also  Grey High School Fees

NB All fees and charges may be reviewed during the course of the year.


Fee Payment Policy

Attention is drawn to the relevant clauses in the school’s application form and in the acceptance of place form, respectively.

Deposits to secure the placement of a student are due and payable in accordance with the written notification provided to prospective parents upon their child being offered a place at the school. The deposit must be accompanied by a signed acceptance of place form.

(In the event of a child having divorced parents, the school must be supplied with a certified copy of the divorce court order.)

In the event of a parent wishing to withdraw their child(ren), a full term’s notice, in advance, is required. Failing that, the school will charge a term’s fees in lieu of notice.

The deposit, paid upon a child’s admission to the school, will only be refunded once the fee account has been finalised upon the child’s withdrawal from the school.

The fee discount policy forms part of the enrolment contract and is as follows:

Option 1:
Where the year’s tuition fees (i.e. for all three terms in the calendar year) are paid in full by 31 January, and where there are no arrears, a discount of 4.5% on the full year’s tuition will be awarded.

Option 2:
Where two terms’ tuition fees are paid in full by the first Friday of the Easter Term or Trinity Term and there are no arrears, a discount of 2.0% will be awarded.

Option 3:
Fees may be paid in advance in equal instalments over 10 months from January to October through the school debit order system.

Please note that the fee discount level will be adjusted from time to time in line with interest rates prevailing in the marketplace.

Parents who wish to make use of the above options, need to have the full year’s fees calculated accurately by the credit controller before making payment. Please note that the discounts do not apply to ancillary charges, sports and cultural tours, and boarding fees. (No child may participate in a sports or cultural tour unless and until their fee account has been brought up to date and paid in full).

In the event that fees are not paid annually in advance, fees are due and payable, in advance, on the FIRST DAY of each term, unless prior arrangements have been agreed to by the school. Fees paid annually in advance may be paid via credit card or EFT. Option 2 and 3 fees are to be paid via debit order through the school system.

When making direct payments into the school’s bank account, please use the following:

Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: The Glen
Branch Code: 006005
Account Number: 002860929

Any bursary(ies) or scholarship(s) awarded to a student will only be reflected on the fee statement when the parents/guardians have paid in full the amount(s) for which they are responsible.

Please note that the payment of any and all charges incurred by the school due to the dishonouring of payments by the bank(s), or any reversal of payment(s) by parents, will be for the account of the parent(s). Interest will be charged on all overdue accounts. Any costs incurred by the school in the recovery of unpaid and/or overdue fees, ancillary and collection charges will be for the account of the parent(s).

This policy will be reviewed and amended by the school as and when this becomes necessary.