Red and Yellow School BCom Marketing

Red and Yellow School BCom Marketing



Starts: 07 February 2023




Duration: 3 years

  • NQF 7 Degree
Class Fee: ZAR 93 500

Acceptance Fee: ZAR 9500

This programme will prepare students – keen on both ‘creativity’ and ‘commercials’ – for career resilience, survival and success in a world that is pervasively being destabilised by technology.
We’ve amplified the conventional promise of teaching hard, technical, theoretical know-how; by adding unconventional benefits like practical implementation (on real brands) and the development of critical human skills (like empathy and creative thinking) that are essential to future career success.
This highly relevant qualification prepares students for the ever-evolving business landscape – with a specialist focus on all the disciplines related to marketing and commerce; along with the theory and practical applications needed to equip them with the strategic, practical and critical thinking skills industry so desperately needs.


How it plays out:
1. First year (120 credits):

  • Compulsory subjects:
  • Marketing: Introduction
  • Accounting: Introduction
  • Business Management 1
  • Economics 1 (Macro & Micro)
  • Professional Communication
  • Customer Experience

2. Second year (120 credits):

  • Compulsory subjects:
  • Marketing: Consumer Behaviour/B2B
  • Statistics
  • Business Management 2
  • Economics 2
  • Financial Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Electives: Creative Leadership
  • Information Systems

3. Third year (120 credits):

  • Compulsory subjects:
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Research
  • Applications: Digital & Services Marketing
  • Business Management 3
  • Business Law
  • Project Management
  • Electives: n/a



Meet our amazing team of lecturers who are equipped with industry knowledge and skills to prepare students for the dynamic changes in this 21st Century world.

Steve Doidge
BCom, HDip Advanced Taxation, MCom, MPhil, CAIA. I have worked in global financial markets for over 25 years and love what I do. I am passionate about “giving back” and all things Economics related. I thrive on travelling to weird and wonderful places and I laugh at things no one else finds funny. I also have an obscure fear of pigeons and my favourite Ninja Turtle is Raphael.”

Sumarie Schreiner
B.Com., International Post-Graduate Diploma: Marketing & Advertising, MBA (1st level), Business Management & Marketing, CCXP, ACXS I am passionate about what branding can do for business and customers and figuring out how to cut through the clutter and truly connect to offer real value in people’s lives. With over 25 years in the industry, it is important to me to bring my learnings to the classroom and encourage a dynamic environment where we all learn from each other.

Tendai Mbumbwa
BBs Sci (Marketing), M B Sci (Marketing), P.hD. Candidate (Marketing) I have been lecturing in tertiary education for almost 5 years and I continue to enjoy our lovely world. My Masters (Marketing) deepened my belief in the magic of understanding the people we share the world with. Marketing lets us do that from many angles and I keep being fascinated by it, hence my continued pursuit of education in this field. I hope that our students enjoy and even advance marketing in their creative ideas and can make our world an even sweeter place to live.


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Applications are open for 2023!


It’s possible to be a financial manager that has an eye for design or a brand manager with an artistic edge. This degree was born out of the fact that the world is changing at a rapid rate — humans and careers are more varied than ever. This brand new Bachelor of Commerce is like “Mad Men” with a technological and creative twist; taking the core disciplines of marketing and commerce and bolstering them with cutting edge expertise like User Experience Design and Data Analytics. You can become a marketer who knows how to create engaging website interfaces; the possibilities and opportunities are endless.
Graduates will be super-prepared for a successful career, equipped with highly relevant, future-focused capabilities:

  • Technical knowledge: the concepts and know-how across all areas of business management, with a focus on marketing.
  • Adaptive thinking: the key to achieving goals within a constantly changing marketing, business and global environment.
  • Analytical decision-making: decisions used to be made on assumptions or ‘what worked in the past. Now they’re informed by collecting, analysing, and evaluating the data bounty that digital makes possible.
  • Critical thinking and quantitative techniques: to define the actual challenge, understand the context, interpret data and make informed decisions.
  • Self-management and leadership skills: over the 3 years, social intelligence will be developed and applied, including empathy, teamwork, negotiation, influence, and leadership.
  • Communication skills: using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentation.
  • Creative thinking: in line with our established record of producing graduates who can solve complex problems through creative thinking, you’ll be exposed to various creative thinking toolkits an underlying concept to solve challenges throughout all modules. | Formulate creative thinking methodologies to evaluate and synthesise solutions.
See also  Centurion Academy Students Portal

Application Requirements
A valid National Senior Certificate with degree endorsement / a Bachelor’s pass
Only applications with an Admission Point Score (APS) of 26** or higher will be considered.
With a 26** APS score a minimum score in the following subjects are also required:

  • English (minimum of 4)
  • Math (minimum of 4, equating to 50%) or Maths Literacy (minimum of 65%)
  • Two other subjects (minimum of 4)
  • Another recognised language (minimum of 3)
  • Remaining subject (minimum of 3)

** Meeting the admission criteria does not guarantee acceptance into the degree.
Life Orientation is not considered a recognised subject and is thus not considered as part of the APS score calculation specified above.
Show us how incredible you are. Please:

  1. Submit a motivational letter or a manifesto to provide a better idea of who you are, and what your hopes and dreams are from the BCom in Marketing (no more than 500 words)
  2. Do some research and in max 300 words submit what you think are the skills and attributes required for future innovators, creators and inventors.




This is your first chance to show us you’ve got what it takes! It gives us a glimpse of who you are and what you’re capable of. It’s your gateway to the programme. Download the assessment, complete it, and submit it with your final application.



APPLICATIONDownload your application form by clicking the Application button. Fill it in, sign and upload; together with your motivational letter and other necessary documents. Now it’s our turn to evaluate your submission and provide feedback.