Harare Institute of Technology Fees Structure 2023 – 2023

Harare Institute of Technology Fees Structure 2023 – 2023

Prescribed fees are valid for one academic semester and these include:
 Tuition
 Registration
 Examination
 Dissertation/Project
 Practical
 Laboratory
 Caution
 Appeal
 Field Trips
 Library
 Desk
 Sports
 Internship
The international students may pay using telegraphic transfer.
 A student is only registered for the semester upon full payment of fees.
 Where a student has not paid the fees in full within the registration period he/she shall not be allowed to attend
lectures until full payment has been made
 No University service shall be offered to unregistered students.
 A student’s registration shall not be confirmed until he or she has fulfilled the requirements for payment of fees.
Fees will only be refunded if there are reasonable grounds to do so. Applications for refunds should be submitted to the Registration and Student Records Management Office, Teaching Department and to the Finance Department.
 Assessment is through Internship, Course Work and Examinations.
 Coursework shall constitute 25% of the final mark and the Examination shall constitute 75% for courses without a practical component.
 Each course weighting shall be in accordance with the General and Programme Regulations.
 All course work shall be submitted by or on due date
 Failure to meet the coursework deadline requires documentary proof for a waiver e.g. a medical Doctor’s report
 Students shall be given feedback on their coursework before examinations.
 All course work marks shall be submitted to the Academic Registry through the respective Schools.
 No students shall write examinations without satisfying coursework requirements.
 Late submission of coursework shall attract a penalty.

  • Currently, The Harare Institute of Technology is yet to be uploaded online.
See also  Red and Yellow School Registration Fees

NOTE: The Harare Institute of Technology authority has the right to change tuition fees in line with the average annual inflation rate announced by the Bank of Zimbabwe. Any change of annual fees will be announced by the Council of the Institution, before the commencement of the academic year.

SEE ALSO: Admissions For Universities And Colleges In Zimbabwe 2023 – 2023