BMT College Fees

BMT College Fees

All payment plans include UNLIMITED ACCESS to the Virtual Campus with the latest study guides, online textbooks and support material.
All payment plans include FULL academic support from your lecturers, including group sessions, and individual (one-on-one) sessions.
The study fee is payable per academic year.
*Debit Order 2 payment option may delay the start of next study year if study fees are not fully paid up


 Fees and financing
3.1 I confirm that I have read and understood the relevant fee schedule and the corresponding information about the repayment of my study fees in the College prospectus.
3.2 I agree that should I elect to pay my study fees over an extended period of time, a credit assessment will be performed by BMT College, to determine my affordability and ensure that reckless credit is not extended. For this purpose I agree that the BMT College may use the services of any registered Credit Bureau or other Creditor for information to assist in assessing my credit worthiness, now and at any time in the future. I agree that the BMT College may disclose information regarding my creditworthiness and conduct of the account to any registered Credit Bureau and other Creditors. I further agree that BMT College may list adverse consumer credit information with any registered Credit Bureau should any payment due in terms hereof become 20 (twenty) or more days overdue.
3.3 I further confirm that the cost of, and the terms and conditions applicable to, any credit to be extended in terms hereof have been fully explained to me and that I understand my rights, obligations and the risk and costs thereof.
3.4 I declare that I am able to fulfil my financial obligations to BMT College.
3.5 Should my credit application be declined, I will have the right to request the reason for it from BMT College.
3.6 I agree that I will become immediately liable for the full repayment of my study fees, including the registration fee and any applicable finance charges, upon signing of this agreement, irrespective of whether my employer or sponsor has agreed to pay my study fees.
3.7 I agree that I will continue to make monthly payments, by no later date than the last working day of every month, until my obligations in terms of this contract towards the financing of my study fees have been paid in full, which may include finance charges.
3.8 I understand and agree that if payment for any month is in default, the College will levy a default penalty charge as per the latest fee schedule.
3.9 I agree that a foreign student postage levy will be charged if I reside outside South Africa as per the latest fee schedule DOC5010_03.
3.10 If credit has been extended for payment of my study fees, BMT College will provide me with a quarterly statement of account, clearly indicating the total amount owing as at the statement process date, any amounts being charged in respect of late payments and the minimum amount that must be paid by the stipulated due date.
3.11 I understand that, if credit has been extended for payment of my study fees, I can pay the outstanding amount in full at any stage upon notice to BMT College.
3.12 I understand that I may cancel my studies at any time with 1 (one) months’ notice of cancellation to BMT College, but that I will remain liable for the study fees as indicated in this agreement.
3.13 I agree that if I should fail to make the agreed payments on time, the full outstanding amount owing to BMT College in terms hereof will immediately become due for payment, that an additional monthly penalty will be charged and that my studies with BMT College will be suspended until my financial obligation to BMT College has been completely fulfilled, alternatively cancelled.
3.14 I agree that BMT College shall be entitled to recover from me all legal costs incurred in order to enforce its rights under this contract on attorney and own client fees, including but not limited to, collection charges and all tracing charges.
3.15 I acknowledge that only BMT College may be ceded or assigned any right or duty in terms hereof to a third party.
4. Cancellation:
4.1 If credit has been extended for payment of my study fees, I understand that, only if this agreement has been signed at any location other than the registered address of BMT College, I have the right to cancel this agreement within 5 (five) business days from signature hereof, without any penalty to myself, by giving BMT College written notice of cancellation.
4.2 I understand that I will have an opportunity to cancel this enrolment agreement with the College within 14 (fourteen) days of admission and will remain liable for the full registration fee of the programme enrolled until such time that the registration fee has been paid.
4.3 I understand that the registration fee is not refundable, irrespective of whether I cancel this contract within 14 (fourteen) days of admission or not.
4.4 I understand that I can cancel this Enrolment Contract at any stage after the initial 14 days post-admission period, by giving BMT College 1 (one) calendar month written notice of cancellation.
4.5 A cancellation penalty fee will be charged if this Enrolment Contract is cancelled after the initial 14 days post-admission period. Calculation of the cancellation penalty fee amount is sole within the discretion of BMT College and will be calculated based on the period that has expired since admission and the percentage of the programme completed.

See also  University of Johannesburg UJ Fees 2023