Arrupe Jesuit University Programmes

Arrupe Jesuit University Programmes


Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Philosophy

This programme focuses first on developing language skills and appreciation of our shared African experience, then on developing and deepening realistic and critical reflection on this experience, and later on forming a personal synthesis. In this way the aim is to enable a student to acquire a capacity for self-education and, thus, become a responsible educator throughout life. The programme aims to form a person who lives by authentic values, is prepared for genuine dialogue and is available for the service of others. Such a person will be able to judge a situation reasonably, decide and act responsibly for the good of all and educate others to do the same.

Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy – Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome

The University will propose as candidates for a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the Pontifical Gregorian University, those who meet the requirements for entry to the B.A. Honours programme as detailed above, and who have successfully completed a programme of philosophical subjects selected from those offered for the B.A. Honours programme above that satisfies both the Dean and School of Philosophy and Humanities, as well as the Dean and Faculty of Philosophy of the Gregorian University.

See also  Morgenster Teachers College Application Form

The School of Philosophy and Humanities will propose as candidates for a Bachelor of Arts degree who meet the requirements for admission to a degree programme at the University and who complete the programme in accord with University standards. For admission all must have passed English language at least at the Ordinary level. Normal entry requires either five passes, at least two at the Advanced level, or four passes, at least three at the Advanced level. Mature entry for students 30 years and older requires five passes at the Ordinary level and experience in virtue of which the University considers them ready for a degree programme.

Masters Degree

The Master of Arts in Philosophy degree programme is offered in the School of Philosophy and Humanities.  The programme consists of two Parts: Part 1 will be the course work component and Part 2 the research component.

The programme will run for three (3) semesters on a full-time basis, or six (6) semesters on a part-time basis.  Each semester will normally consist of 15 weeks.  Part 1 of the programme will be offered on full-time basis for two (2) semesters and part-time basis for four (4) semesters.  Part 2 will be offered full-time for a period of one (1) semester, and part-time for a period of two (2) semesters.  The programme will normally commence either in August or in February.  A student shall register for eight (6) courses for Part 1, four of which shall be core courses and four optional.  Optional courses will be chosen from a range of options available in any one year.  Each course shall normally consist of 30 hours of teaching and is single weighted.  For full-time students, the dissertation will normally be submitted on or before 30 June or 30 November of the third semester, and part-time students will normally submit it on or before 30 June or 30 November of the sixth semester.

See also  Lupane State University (LSU) Postgraduate Application Form

An applicant for this programme must satisfy the provisions of the General Academic and School of Philosophy and Humanities’ Regulations. To be considered for admission an applicant must have a good Honours degree (2.1 or better) in Philosophy or an approved equivalent.


Certificate Courses

Here is an opportunity to experience learning at its best. Arrupe College offers you an opportunity to study some of the courses on demand in a multi-cultural environment from the some of best lecturers on the continent.