BA ISAGO University Botswana Enrollment

BA ISAGO University Botswana Enrollment


It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that they are fully aware of the admission requirements for the programmes in which they wish to enroll. Applicants have to meet the admission requirements, as determined by BA ISAGO and its partner institutions, and must necessarily ensure that they are aware of any additional requirements that may apply to some programmes. These additional requirements are provided where applicable. Once an application is made, the Application Fee payable is not refundable.

Registration of Applicants

Registration takes place in accordance with the arrangements prescribed semester by the University. The registration process is not complete until the student has paid full tuition-fees,completed and submitted all documents prescribed by the University and, where necessary, meets the requirements set by the Ministry of Education for those students whose fees are paid for by the Ministry.

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Please note the following:

  • Any person who wishes to be enrolled as a student of the University for a particular academic year must complete and sign the official BA ISAGO Registration Form.  This binds the student to all rules, regulations and requirements of the University.
  • Applications for a Government scholarship must be done after submission of an application to the University and receipt of an Admission Letter from the same.
  • Students who are not sponsored by the Government of Botswana, or other sponsors, shall pay the full tuition fees deposit before registration is confirmed.  The registration will not be processed without a receipt being attached to the Registration Form.
  • By signing the Registration Form student and/or parent/guardian declares that he/she is familiar with the contents of the BA ISAGO Prospectus, Student Code of Conduct and all the rules of the University including the rules of the proposed degree, diploma or certificate programme.
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  • The University may restrict the number of study units for which a student may register in a particular year.
  • A student’s may not be registered after the closing dates for a particular academic year
  • The University may also refuse any application for registration if the student has an incomplete Registration Form; has not paid the prescribed tuition and other fees; or has not provided a letter of sponsorship; and/or the necessary documentary evidence of support of his/her application has not been received by the University on or before the stipulated closing date for registration.

BA ISAGO University Botswana Undergraduate Admissions 2019 – 2020