Botho University BEng (Hons) In Computer Engineering

Botho University BEng (Hons) In Computer Engineering

BEng (Hons) in Computer Engineering

Mode of Study


The Computer Engineering programme at Botho University runs for five years plus a sixmonth sandwiched internship programme. There are eleven semesters, out of which the students will be expected to do an internship (Professional Practice) in one of the semesters.

A Computer Engineering graduate studies the design of systems such as hardware and software, digital systems and computers. They focus on the digital device programming and interfacing between devices and users. Their work, for example, will involve areas such as the development of mobile phones, alarm systems and x-ray equipment, which use a combination of embedded software and hardware. They can also work in areas such as Computer system design, Scientific Research and Development, Computer and Electronic Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Wholesale and trade and Public administration.

Programme details The programme consists of core (required) and elective modules as detailed below. Some modules may have pre-requisites (i.e. may require the student to pass another module or set of modules first). Some modules may be co-requisite (i.e. such modules are required to be taken together). The number at the end of the module in parenthesis indicates the credit load of the module. 1 credit is equal to 10 hours of learning (guided, in-class and independent combined); therefore a 10-credit module requires on average 100 hours of learning from the student.

Core modules

  • C5-MAT-11 Mathematics-I (20)
  • E5-PH1-14 Physics-I (10)
  • E5-PL1-14 Physics -I Laboratory (10)
  • E5-GCH-14 General Chemistry (10)
  • E5-GCL-14 General Chemistry Laboratory (10)
  • C5-ICO-11 Introduction to Computers(20)
  • E5-PH2-14 Physics -II (10)
  • E5-PL2-14 Physics -II Laboratory (10)
  • E5-EM1-14 Engineering Mathematics-I (20)
  • D5-CSS-14 Communication & Study Skills (20)
  • C6-IPC-11 Introduction to Programming using C++ (20)
  • E5-EM2-14 Engineering Mathematics-II (20)
  • E6-SAP-14 Statistics and Probability (20)
  • E5-EM3-14 Engineering Mathematics-III (20)
  • C7-JAV-11 Programming Using Java (20)
  • E6-IEN-14 Introduction to Engineering (20)
  • C5-CSA-11 Computer System Architecture (20)
  • E6-EEE-14 Basics of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (20)
  • E7-DIE-14 Digital Electronics (10)
  • C5-OSH-11 Operating Systems and Hardware (20)
  • E6-DCN-14 Data Communication Networks (20)
  • E7-DID-14 Design and Implementation of Digital Systems (20)
  • E7-EMA-14 Engineering Management (20)
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  • C7-DSA-11 Data Structures and Algorithms (20)
  • E7-COM-14 Compilers (20)
  • E7-MAM-14 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (20)
  • E7-DEL-14 Digital Electronics Lab (10)
  • E7-PPR-13 Professional Practice (60)
  • E7-COM-14 Compilers (20)
  • E7-MAM-14 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (20)
  • E7-DEL-14 Digital Electronics Lab (10)
  • E7-PPR-13 Professional Practice (60)
  • E8-DSP-14 Digital Signal Processing (20)
  • E7-LCS-14 Linear Control Systems (20)
  • E8-RES-14 Real-Time Embedded Systems (20)
  • B8-ENT-13 Essentials of Entrepreneurship (20)
  • E8-PRO-14 Project (20)

Elective modules

  • Select one from the following
    • C7-SEN-11 Software Engineering (20)
    • E7-WIT-14 Wireless Technologies (20)
    • E7-DCD-14 Developing Concurrent and Distributed Systems (20)
  • Select one from the following
    • E8-HCI-14 Human Computer Interaction (20)
    • E8-BIO-14 Bio-Informatics (20)
    • E8-CSE-14 Computer Security (20)
    • E8-DDM-14 Databases & Data Modeling (20)

Recommended full-time study path (5½ years)

Year 1Sem 1C5-MAT-11 Mathematics-120
E5-PHY1-14 Physics-I10
E5-PL1-14 Physics-I Laboratory10
E5-GCH-14 General Chemistry10
E5-GCL-14 General Chemistry Laboratory10
Sem 2C5-ICO-11 Introduction to Computers20
E5-PHY2-14 Physics-II10
E5-PL2-14 Physics-II Laboratory10
E5-EM1-14 Engineering Mathematics-I20
Year 2Sem 3D5-CSS-14 Communication & Study Skills20
C6-IPC-11 Introduction to Programming using C++20
E5-EM2-14 Engineering Mathematics-II20
Sem 4C7-JAV-11 Programming Using Java20
E5-SAP-14 Statistics and Probability20
E5-EM3-14 Engineering Mathematics-III20
Year 3Sem 5C5-CSA-11Computer System Architecture20
E6-IEN-14 Introduction to Engineering20
E6-EEE-14 Basics of Electrical and Electronic Engineering20
Sem 6E7-DIE-14 Digital Electronics10
E7-DEL-14 Digital Electronics Laboratory10
C5-OSH-11 Operating Systems and Hardware20
E6-DCN-14 Data Communication Networks20
Year 4Sem 7E7-DID-14 Design and Implementation of Digital Systems20
E7-EMA-14 Engineering Management20
C7-DSA-11 Data Structures and Algorithms20
Sem 8E7-COM-14 Compilers20
E7-MAM-14 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers20
Elective –I (Select one module form below)
C7-SEN-11 Software Engineering20
E7-WIT-14 Wireless Technologies20
E7-DCD-14 Developing Concurrent and Distributed Systems20
Year 5Sem 9E7-PPR-13 Professional Practice60
Sem 10E8-DSP-14 Digital Signal Processing20
E7-LCS-14 Linear Control Systems20
Elective –II (Select one module form below)
E8-DDM-14 Databases & Data Modeling20
E8-BIO-14 Bio-Informatics20
E8-HCI-14 Human Computer Interaction20
E8-CSE-14 Computer Security20
Year 6Sem 11E8-RES-14 Real-Time Embedded Systems20
E8-PRO-14 Project20
Elective –I (Select one module form below)
B8- ENT-13 Essential of Entrepreneurship20
E8-ISD-17 Innovation for Sustainable development20
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Admissions Criteria

1) Applicants are expected to have successfully completed secondary schooling. The typical entry requirement is BGCSE or IGCSE (in Botswana), LGCSE (in Lesotho) or other equivalent secondary school qualification. BGCSE or IGCSE (in Botswana), LGCSE (in Lesotho) candidates are required to achieve a minimum grade of ‘D’ in five subjects.

2) The applicant should have passed in a minimum of five BGCSE or equivalent subjects including English, Mathematics and either one of Physics, Double Sciences, or PC (Physics and Chemistry).

3) Applicants in possession of a Diploma or Higher Diploma in related field will be given exemptions based on the credit point equivalency

4) For enquiries and more information please visit our General Admissions Information page