Botswana College of Agriculture 2019-2020 intake

Botswana College of Agriculture 2019-2020 intake

 Botswana College of Agriculture 2019/2020 intake : Botswana College of Agriculture, The Botswana Agricultural College (BAC), was formally established in 1967 at Content Farm, Sebele Gaborone, when the Ministry of Agriculture decided to transfer the certificate in Agriculture course, which had been offered since 1959 at Mahalapye. Assistance from the British charity organisations Freedom from Hunger, and Oxfam as well as funds obtained from the Botswana Government were used to construct the first buildings of the college. The total enrolment at Sebele was 67 students all registered for the 3 years sandwich certificate course in agriculture. In 1970, the certificate in Animal Health course which had been offered for sometime at the Ramatlabama Training Centre was also transferred to the college. In 1972 a certificate course in Community Development was introduced at the college and by 1973 the total enrolment was 170 students. During this period technical assistance was provided by, among other organisations, the British ODA; FAO/UNDP; and the American Peace Corps Organisation

During this period students from Botswana who wished to undertake higher level education (diploma, degree) in agricultural sciences and allied fields had to go to Luyengo, Swaziland, where the Swaziland Agricultural College and University Centre (SACUC) operating under the University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, offered diploma and degree level education for all the three BLS countries. Following the break-up of the University of Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland in 1975 planning for higher level education in agricultural sciences was speeded up and by 1978, agreement had been reached between the Government of Botswana and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for an expansion project of the college. A total sum of US$12 million was spent in expanding the college facilities to enable it to double the enrolment at certificate level and introduce diploma programmes in Agriculture and in Animal Health and Production.

See also  University Of Botswana Admission Cut-Off Points

The first students were enrolled for the diploma programmes in 1981, and these diplomas were to be awarded by the University of Botswana unlike the certificate programmes which were Ministry of Agriculture awards. Interim arrangements were established for the University Senate to validate the diploma programmes through the Faculty of Science, pending the formal establishment of a Faculty of Agriculture.Discussions on starting of BSc. degree training in Agriculture and establishment of a Faculty of Agriculture started from 1979, and have involved the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA); the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the University of Botswana (UB), among

Botswana College of Agriculture 2019/2020 intake programmes

Programs Offered

Diploma Programs

Higher Diploma in Agriculture
Higher Diploma in Animal Health and Production
Higher Diploma in Forestry and Range Ecology

Bachelors Degree Programs

Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Education)
Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture)
Bachelor of Science (Crop Science)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Mechanisation)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Economics)
Bachelor of Science (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering)

Masters Degree Programs

Master of Science (Agricultural Education)
Master of Science (Agricultural Engineering)
Master of Science (Animal Science)
Master of Science (Crop Science)

Contact Botswana College of Agriculture for Admission

Botswana College of Agriculture 2019/2020 intake

Botswana College of Agriculture
Private Bag 0027
Gaborone, Botswana
Phone: +267 – 3650100
Fax: +267 – 3928753
www . bca . bw