Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Admission Requirements
All applications must be submitted online (except otherwise indicated in the list of programmes)
Documents to be submitted by South African citizens:
- Copy of the proof of payment of your application fee (online application submission is free of charge).
- A certified copy of the first page of your Identity Document.
- A certified copy of your Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification. If you are currently in Grade 12, please submit your marks obtained in Grade 11.
- An original Academic Record and a Certificate of Conduct, or certified copies of other certificates/ diplomas/ degrees you obtained previously from any other higher education institution.
- Any other documents specifically required for the programme to which you are applying, as explained in the application form and admission requirements. Also, refer to Step 1 for detailed admission requirements
Documents to be submitted by non-South African citizens:
- Certified copies of the following applicable documents (must be less than three (3) months old)
- Permanent Residency applicants: Passport and Proof of Permanent Residency/SA ID Document/Card
- Refugee/Asylum seeker temporary permit/formal recognition of refugee status in the RSA
- Passport
- A certified copy of your school-leaving certificate, together with an English translation.
- A scratch card (students from the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and National Examinations Council (NECO).
- Congo-Brazzaville applicants must submit the Liste des Admis au Bac
- Sixth-year Bulletin: Diplom D’Etat and Journal and transcripts of results or Journal or Confirmation of Results from the Embassy (students from Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo or Cameroon).
- International/Foreign Post-Basic Nursing applicants need to submit a document indicating approval of nursing qualifications from, and certified by, South African Qualification Authority (SAQA), in order to be provisionally accepted. Full acceptance will only be considered if the applicant also submits proof of temporary registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) for two (2) years, in addition to a valid study permit.
- Any other documents specifically required for the programmes to which you are applying, as explained in the application form and special admission requirements covered in Step 1.
International Applicants
- Click here for detailed international related information.
- Click here for international admission requirements
RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning applicants)
First access the RPL website page for important RPL related information – click here
A number of documents must be submitted with your application. Do not send any original documents, only send certified copies that must be attached to your manual application form. Copies of documents can be certified at a police station.Please note CPUT reserves the right to verify documents for authenticity
All international undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications obtained must first be evaluated and verified by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) before submitting applications for studying at CPUT. SAQA can be contacted at Postnet Suite 248, Private Bag X06, Waterkloof 0145, South Africa. Tel: +27 (0)12 431 5000; Website: The onus is on the student to apply timeously to SAQA, as this may take a bit longer. From 1 August 2014, SAQA will only accept online applications for the evaluation of foreign applications. Please click here.
Applicants with approved qualifications obtained outside the Republic of South Africa (RSA):
An applicant may qualify for admission on the basis of qualifications obtained outside the RSA, whether they are SA citizens or not. Each case will be dealt with on an individual basis.
- School leaving certificate should be submitted with the English translation of the certificate
- SAQA Evaluation certificate (see SAQA information outlined above) is mandatory and must be submitted together with your online or paper-based application
Foreign/International school-leaving certificates held by South African citizens:
SA citizens who are holders of foreign/international certificates (e.g. Cambridge International Examinations) can be admitted ONLY IF they meet the minimum requirements for studying at a university in South Africa, and in addition, meet the minimum admission requirements of the programme they are applying for (according to the faculty-specific requirements). Each case will be dealt with on an individual basis.
SAQA Evaluation certificate (see SAQA information outlined above) is mandatory and must be submitted together with your online or paper-based application.
Important notes on online documentation Submissions
- Minor applicants, not 18 yet at the time of application are required to submit a Minor Application Declaration, click here to download the form.
- For important information regarding supporting documentation requirements click here
- Reminder: Consult the list of additional admission requirements (qualification specific document requirements) as listed in Step 1: Choose a qualification and special requirements
- Each document must be scanned, saved and uploaded individually against each uploading Certificate code as indicated in the table below
- All documents should be scanned in any of the following file types: tiff, pdf, jpg or gif
- The maximum scanned file size is 2MB each.
SA Citizen currently busy upgrading Grade 12 results (including upgrading at any TVET College)
- Please submit a letter confirming registration for the upgrading of your results
Should you have documents outstanding or need to upload additional supporting documents, upload it here.
Cape Peninsula University Of Technology International Students Online Application
Cape Peninsula University Of Technology International Students Admission Requirements
Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Postgraduate Application Form 2023
Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Application Form 2023
Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Undergraduate Application Closing Dates 2023
Cape Peninsula University Of Technology CPUT Qualifications
Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Undergraduate Prospectus 2023
Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Postgraduate Prospectus 2023
Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Postgraduate Admission Requirement
Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Undergraduate Application Form 2023