Capricorn TVET College Application Closing Date
Capricorn TVET College Application Closing Date
Capricorn TVET College Application Closing Date … The Capricorn TVET College Closing Date has been fixed for academic year.
Do you want to know when the Capricorn TVET College Admission Deadline ?
The Management of the Capricorn TVET College has officially announced the closing Date – deadline for submission of Online Admission Application form for the academic year.
Capricorn TVET College Admission Closing Date
The Capricorn TVET College Application Closing date has been scheduled as follows:-
Currently, Capricorn TVET College has not published its Application Closing Date for academic year at the time of this publication. Keep checking this page regularly for immediate updates.
Note – Once Capricorn TVET College Application Portal is closed, new applications will not be submitted. So register now while the applications are still ongoing.
For more information and inquiries, you can contact the Capricorn TVET College by visiting the institution’s official website
Am sure this post help you with what you need about Capricorn TVET College Admission Deadline.
For more information, contact the school at:
16 Market Street
Private Bag X 9674
Tel: (015) 230 1800
Fax: (015) 291 2767About our CollegeEsayidi TVET College is the Key driver of skills development in Esayidi (Port Shepstone), Hibiscus Coast and Ugu District Municipalities.
These areas comprise of three major towns and numerous townships, both rural with a population of approximately 2 million people. The major industries in these areas are in the sectors of iron- and steel manufacturing, textile and clothing production, cement chemical manufacturing, tyre production, engineering workshops and primary agriculture. Port Shepstone and its environs have been identified as a major growth area in the KZN Provincial Growth and Development Strategy, which provides a strategic framework for the next ten years that is based on partnerships among all sectors of society. Additionally, they will drive the economic activity needed for long term sustainable growth.Dominating IndustriesUGU District
- Community, social & personal services.
- Agriculture, forestry & fishing.
- General government services
- Wholesale & Retail
- Manufacturing
- Finance & business services
UGU District (cont)
- Transport and communication
- Construction
- Mining
- Electricity & Mining
- Arts & Culture
- Tourism & Hospitality
Sisonke District
- Mining
- Electricity and water
- Arts and Culture
- Tourism and Hospitality
List Of Courses Offered:
- Office Administration
- Finance, Economics & Accounting
- Transport & Logistics
- Engineering & Related Design
- Business Management
- Financial Management
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Contact Address:
Contact Us
Tel: 039 685 5482/3
Fax: 039 625 4135
Private Bag 814
Port Shepstone, 4240