Christ Baptist Church Seminary Admission Requirements

Christ Baptist Church Seminary Admission Requirements


All applications must be received by the end of September, each year, as interviews will be scheduled for the month of October.
The admission requirements for both the Degree and Diploma programmes adhere to both the stipulations by the Department of Higher Education (DHET) as certified by Umalusi (the Council for General and Further Education and Training) and the Admissions Policy of the seminary.
For the Degree programme, the applicant must be a holder of a National Senior Certificate (NSC), having passed the grade 12 matriculation examinations. In his NSC qualification, the applicant must have had a minimum of 30% in English. He must have a rating of 4 (Adequate Achievement, 50-59%) or better in any four other subjects which are classified as 20-credit NSC subjects by Umalusi.
For the Diploma programme, the applicant must be a holder of a National Senior Certificate (NSC), having passed the grade 12 matriculation examinations. In his NSC qualification, the applicant must have had a minimum of 30% in English. He must have a rating of 3 (Moderate Achievement, 40-49%) or better in any four other subjects classified as 20-credit NSC subjects by Umalusi.
All applicants must personally attend and pass an oral interview, where the student will validate his Christian testimony. A telephone conference replaces the personal attendance of an interview where the applicant is unable to appear in person due to a valid reason as deemed acceptable by the seminary.
A signed and dated reference letter from the student’s Christian mentor (preferably the senior pastor or an elder of his the local church).

Satisfactory completion of the programme’s application form and submission of the same before the application deadline is also mandatory.
The candidate must also demonstrate the ability to pay the tuition and related fees for the duration of the programme; and where partial bursaries are offered, the candidate must demonstrate his ability to pay the remainder of the amount.
For international applicants (non-residents of South Africa), a valid study permit for the duration of the course is required. International applicants should also solicit and confirm that they have found a host church in South Africa where they will live when out of session.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) will be considered where the applicant does not hold an NSC qualification. This is subject to the applicant applying for and obtaining a certificate of complete or conditional exemption from South Africa’s Matriculation Board.
For courses taken and completed in the cognate field at a registered institution with an accredited programme(s) at the same NQF level, awarding the applicant course credits for those courses will be considered by the seminary. Credits awarded will not exceed 50% of the total credits required to complete the programme.
See also  IHT Hotel School Admission Requirements