Coastal KZN Tvet College Online Application
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The Coastal KZN Tvet College Admission Form for for the Academic year is Out. Please apply for this admission intake before the Coastal KZN Tvet College Application Closing Date.
1.Coastal KZN Tvet College Admission Requirements
2.Coastal KZN Tvet College Courses Offered
3.Coastal KZN Tvet College Fee Structure
Student Registration
The following information is important to all current and future students who intend registering for the NC(V) courses in January. Registration will be open from 08h00 to 15h00 daily. Students must arrive as early as possible.
1. When Can a Student Register?
The registration of all NCV courses will start in January at the following campuses:
Appelsbosch Campus – Appelsbosch- Business Studies and Engineering Studies
As Salaam Campus – Braemar- Business Studies and Engineering Studies
Durban Campus -Jameson Crescent- General Studies and Engineering Studies
Swinton Campus – Swinton Road, Mobeni-Business Studies and Engineering Studies
Ubuhle Bogu Campus – KwaQiko – Business Studies
Umbumbulu Campus – KwaMakhutha – Business Studies
UmlaziBB Campus -BB Section- Business Studies
Umlazi V Campus – V Section – Engineering Studies and Primary Agriculture
2. When Will Classes Start?
All NCV students must return for registration by January as it is a Departmental directive that NCV classes MUST start in January. This implies that the entire enrolment process should be completed on January. Coastal KZN Tvet College Online application
3 Registration Process For Returning Students
3.1. All returning students should collect their examination results at their campuses in January.
3.2. All qualifying students undergo NSFAS application process.
3.3. All students who meet the progression criteria (as indicated in paragraph 5 below) will register in their respective levels.
4 Admission Criteria For New Enrolments- NCV
4.1. Students who endeavour to enrol for NCV Level 2 Business and General Studies programs must have completed and passed Grade 10-11; and Grade 12 with Mathematics for the Information & Technology as well as Finance,Economics & Accounting programs.
4.2. Students who endeavour to enrol for NCV Level 2- all Engineering Studies must have completed and passed a minimum of Grade 10-11Mathematics (not Mathematical Literacy).
4.3. Students who endeavour to enrol for NCV Level 2 Electrical Construction – may, on applying for employment,be required to pass a Colour competency test.
5. Progression Criteria
5.1. Students who endeavour to enrol for NCV Level 3 must have already passed a minimum of 5 NCV Level 2 subjects.
5.2. Students who endeavour to enrol for NCV Level 4 must have already passed all 7 Level 2 subjects as well as a minimum of 5 NCV Level 3 subjects.
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6. Supplementary Exams- Ncv Only:
6.1. Only students who have passed a minimum of three subjects will be permitted to register and write the supplementary exam if they meet the sub-minimum requirements. Students who have passed less than three subjects may register as full-time (repeating) students,space permitting.
6.2. The sub-minimum Final November examination marks required for entry to a supplementary exam are:
6.2.1. Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy (25%- 29%)
6.2.2. English (First AdditionalLanguage) {35%- 39%)
6.2.3. Life Orientation {35%- 39%)
6.2.4. Vocational & Core subjects (45%- 49%)
(Students who achieve Jess than the minimum sub-minimum marks indicated will not be eligible to sit the supplementary exam. The student needs to enter for a full-time/recovery programme)
6.3. If these subjects are failed again in the Supplementary exam, the student will need to attend a full time class or recovery programme for these subjects and re-write the November examination. The student will be responsible for the payment of the re-write fee per subject. Apply at Coastal KZN Tvet College
7. NCV Recovery Program
7.1. The NCV recovery programme as implemented in previous year will again be implemented the following year.
7.2. Students meeting the enrolment criteria for NCV Levels 3 and 4 with failed previous level subjects will be responsible for the payment of the recovery programme fee. Non-payment of this fee will result in the student being DEREGISTERED from rewriting this subject.
7.3. All recovery programme students will be required to develop a new ICASS year mark by sitting new assessments which must be placed as evidence into a subject POE.
8. Certification Criteria
8.1. In order for a student to qualify for a NCV Certificate, a student needs to have passed the following subjects:
NCV Level 2 =7 subjects
NCV Level 3 =7 subjects
NCV Level 4 =7 subjects
8.2. A total of 21subjects is required to qualify to receive the exit level NCV Certificate at NQF Level4.
8.3. DHET will issue Statement of Results for all levels. As the certification body, Umalusi will continue to issue certificates.
8.4. Students who did not obtain all 7 subjects on one level in one exam sitting and who rewrote and passed outstanding subjects in a Supplementary or November exam, will have to apply for their certificates through the Campus exam office. This will take time and you may only receive this certificate after a minimum of 6 months.
9. DHET/NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme)
9.1. Academically deserving and financially needy students may apply to NSFAS for financial aid. A National Means test determines who qualifies for the bursary. Students, who do not qualify for NSFAS bursary, will have to pay the full appropriate tuition fees.
9.2. For students who still have some subjects outstanding (failed) at NCV Level 3 and/or Level 4, on conclusion of Level 4, may be funded further for an additional year (in full-time classes) in order to obtain the certificates. For further information contact the Student Liaison Officer and/or the Financial Aid Officer.
9.3. Repeaters- NCV
Students who do not meet the criteria to progress to the next level of study are viewed as repeaters and will not qualify for Financial Aid. Students, who wish to enrol,repeat a level or switch to another programme,will have to finance their studies.(You will not qualify for a bursary).
Financial Aid is linked to academic performance,financial need and class attendance. Attendance Policy of 80% attendance will be adhered to.
10. Hostels
10.1. Hostel-Umlazi/Umbumbulu/ Appelsbosch
Hostel numbers are limited to 240 students at Umlazi V, 250 students at Umbumbulu and 295 students at Appelsbosch. The provision of hostel accommodation is to support learning for students whose home address is further than a 40km radius from the Campus. NSFAS funding is not guaranteed for hostel accommodation. Funds are severely limited in this regard and do not cover the full cost of the hostel. Any shortfall in hostel fees will need to be covered by the student.
10.2. Hostel Compliance
10.2.1. Priority will be given to returning students who have achieved high level of academic performance. Where space is still available,then new entry level students can be considered.
10.2.2. Students have to apply AND register for the duration of each course of study for hostel accommodation. Hostel accommodation is NOT guaranteed even if a student was previously accommodated.
10.2.3. Hostel accommodation is solely for current registered students – if you are not a student registered for a full complement of subjects you are not allowed to be in the hostel. (Residing of unregistered people in the hostels will be regarded as trespassing).
> All students wishing to be accommodated in the hostel MUST complete a Hostel Application form.
> All completed application forms will be evaluated for compliance against set criteria for admission purposes.
> Successful applicants will be registered, allocated a room and keys.
> Persons who are NOT current students will be given notice to vacate the hostels.
> Students who ignore this application process will be deemed as trespassers and will be prosecuted.
The following information is important to all current and future students who intend to register for the Report 191 courses in January 2016. Registration will be open from 08h00 to 15h00 daily. Students must arrive as early as possible.
1. When Can A Student Register?
Registration for all Report 191 courses will start in January at the following campuses:
Appelsbosch Campus – Appelsbosch – Business Studies and Engineering Studies
As Salaam Campus – Braemar- Business Studies
Durban Campus- Jameson Crescent -Engineering Studies
Swinton Campus- Swinton Road, Mobeni- Business Studies and Engineering Studies
Umbumbulu Campus – KwaMakhutha – Business Studies & Engineering (Chemical Operations – limited numbers – on application approval)
Umlazi 88 Campus – BB Section- Business Studies
Umlazi V Campus- V Section – Engineering Studies
2. When Will Classes Start?
Report 191 students must return for registration by January. Classes will commence by the January.
3. Registration Process For Returning Students
3.1 All returning students should collect their examination results at their campuses on January.
3.2 All qualifying students undergo NSFAS application process.
3.3 All students who meet the progression criteria will register in their respective levels.
4. Admission Criteria For New Enrolments
4.1 Students who endeavour to enrol for Report 191Business Studies – N4-NS must have passed either NCV Level 4 (21 subjects – from L2-L4); or have obtained a National Senior Certificate (Matric). Previous subject studies and direction will influence course enrolment.
4.1.1 In addition – for the Management Assistant N4 program, students must have passed Grade 12 Typing or Compu-typing. If this criterion is not met, students must enrol for the Introductory Business Studies N4 program for the first Semester and in the second Semester,may proceed to the N4 program if he/she successfully passed the introductory program.
4.1.2 In addition -for the Financial Management N4 program, students must have passed Grade 12 Accounting. If this criterion is not met, students must enrol for the Introductory Business Studies N4 program for the first Semester and do the Introductory Accounting N4 and in the second Semester, may proceed to the N4 program if he/she successfully passed the introductory program. Apply at Coastal KZN Tvet College4.2 Students who endeavour to enrol for Report 191Engineering Studies N2 must have passed at least Grade 10-Grade 12 Mathematics (and not Mathematical Literacy); if the student has done Mathematical Literacy, he/she must enrol for Report 191Engineering Studies Nl. School levels and subjects passed and/or other previous studies will influence your enrolment into specific courses and/or levels. A RPL process will be conducted at the enrolment process.
4.3 Please note that for Electrical engineering,students may, on applying for employment, be required to pass a Colour competency test.
5. Progression Criteria And Enrolment Information
5.1 For all courses (besides Tourism and Multi-Disciplinary Drawing Office Practice), the following promotional criteria will apply:
• A student must pass at least 3 subjects with a percentage of 40% or more to be promoted to the next level.
5.2 For Tourism & MDDOP the following pass/promotional criterion will apply:
• A student must pass at least 3 subjects with the following percentages:
Subjects | % |
Travel Services N4 & N5 | 60% |
Travel Communication N4 & N5 | 50% |
Travel Destinations N4 & N5 | 50% |
Travel Office Practice N4 & N5 | 50% |
Multi-Disc. Drg. Office Practice | 50% |
subjects | % |
Travel Services N6 | 70% |
Travel Communication N6 | 50% |
Travel Destinations N6 | 50% |
Travel Office Practice N6 | 50% |
5.3 Other registration requirements:
5.3.1 A student may not register for a subject in two levels in the same Semester/Trimester.
5.3.2 A student may not register for a subject on any level if a pass has not been achieved on the lower level. (See DHET Curriculum document – Report 191 Part 1 & Part 2
5.3.3 Students must complete all ICASS assessments as prescribed in the ICASS Guidelines document for Report 191, BEFORE the examination: therefore if a student writes the exam without an ICASS mark, the mark cannot be submitted after the examination. The DHET will NOT accept ICASS marks after the exam. A student without an ICASS mark will forfeit his/her exam mark and will be resulted as “incomplete result”.
5.3.4 Recommendation from DHET on Enrolling N4-N6 Students
“N4-N6 is for those who have completed a FULL N3 or who have a Grade 12 with Higher Certificate endorsement (or higher)”
6. Certification Criteria
5.1 DHET will issue Statement of Results for all levels. As the certification body, Umalusi will continue to issue certificates for N1, N2 and N3.
5.2 QCTO will issue certificates for N4 to N6. The N6 Diploma will only be issued after the 18 months (Business Studies) or 24 months (Engineering Studies) in-service training. This will be issued after a letter from the employer is submitted by the student to the College, who will make application on his/her behalf to the QCTO. Once the QCTO has verified that all requirements have been met by the student at the place of employment (internship),they will issue the Diploma certificate. Apply at Coastal KZN Tvet College
7. National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)
7.1 DHET/NSFAS (NationalStudent Financial Aid Scheme)
7.1. Academically deserving and financially needy students may apply to NSFAS for financial aid. A National Means test determines who qualifies for the bursary. Students, who do not qualify for NSFAS bursary,will have to pay the full appropriate tuition fees.7.1.2 Should students have outstanding subjects after completion of N6, they may apply for Financial Aid for a period of 6 months after N6,to fulfil the requirements for certification.
7.2 Switching between different Programs (“Program Hopping”)
7.2.1 According to the DHET FET College Bursary Scheme rules and guidelines 2015 – Pg 10, paragraph 14.14: “With effect from 2013 bursary recipients who switch from one programme to another (i.e. from NCV to Report 191programme or vice-versa) during the course of their studies are not eligible for financial assistance. Furthermore, bursary recipients who complete NCV Level 4 are not eligible for financial assistance should they want to enrol for Report 191 programme N1-N3; similarly bursary recipients who complete Report 191 N6 are not eligible for financial assistance should they want to enrol for a NCV programme. However, bursary recipients who complete NCV L4 are eligible for financial assistance should they want to enrol for Report 191 N4-N6. “,
7.2.2 Repeaters
Students who do not meet the criteria to progress to the next level of study are viewed as repeaters and will not qualify for any Financial Aid. Students, who wish to enrol to repeat a level or switch to another programme, will be responsible for the financing of these studies. (You will not qualify for a bursary)
Financial Aid is linked to academic performance, financial need and class attendance. The DHET Attendance Policy of 80% attendance will be adhered to.
8. Hostels
8.1 Hostel- Umlazi/Umbumbulu/ Appelsbosch
Hostel numbers are limited to 240 students at Umlazi V, 250 students at Umbumbulu and 295 students at Appelsbosch. The provision of hostel accommodation is to support learning for students whose home address is further than a 40km radius from the Campus. NSFAS funding is not guaranteed for hostel accommodation. Funds are severely limited in this regard and do not cover the full cost of the hostel. Any shortfall in hostel fees will need to be covered by the student.
8.2 Hostel Compliance8.2.1 Priority will be given to returning students who have achieved high level of academic performance. Where space is still available,then new entry level students can be considered.
8.2.2 Students have to apply AND register for the duration of each course of study for hostel accommodation. Hostel accommodation is NOT guaranteed even if a student was previously accommodated.
8.2.3 Hostel accommodation is solely for current registered students – if you are not a student registered for a full complement of subjects you are not allowed to be in the hostel. (Residing of unregistered people in the hostels will be regarded as trespassing)All students wishing to be accommodated in the hostel MUST complete a Hostel Application form.
> All completed application forms will be evaluated for compliance against set criteria for admission purposes.
> Successful applicants will be registered,allocated a room and keys.
> Persons who are NOT current students will be given notice to vacate the hostels.
> Students who ignore this application process will be deemed as trespassers and will be prosecuted.
Skills Training Registration
For registration for skills courses, you can contact a campus of choice for more information. NSFAS Bursary is NOT available for these courses.
Apply Now
1. Coastal KZN Tvet College Application Form
2.Coastal KZN Tvet College Online application
3.Apply at Coastal KZN Tvet College
4.Coastal KZN Tvet College Application Status
5.Coastal KZN Tvet College Online Application Status
6.Coastal KZN Tvet College Courses Offered.
7.Coastal KZN Tvet College Fee Structure
8.Coastal KZN Tvet College Bursaries
9.Coastal KZN Tvet College Nsfas
10.Coastal KZN Tvet College Prospectus
11.Coastal KZN Tvet College Prospectus PDF
12.Coastal KZN Tvet College Campuses
13.Coastal KZN Tvet College Contact Address
14.Coastal KZN Tvet College Online Registration
15.Coastal KZN Tvet College Registration
16.Coastal KZN Tvet College Nsfas Requirements
17.Coastal KZN Tvet College Admission Requirements
18.Coastal KZN Tvet College Student Accommodation
19.Coastal KZN Tvet College Student Hostel
20.Coastal KZN Tvet College Graduation List
21.Coastal KZN Tvet College Graduation Ceremony Date
22.Coastal KZN Tvet College Student Portal Login
23.Coastal KZN Tvet College Historical Background
24.Coastal KZN Tvet College Job Vacancies
25.Coastal KZN Tvet College Career
26.Coastal KZN Tvet College Vision and Mission
27.Coastal KZN Tvet College Application Closing Date
28.Coastal KZN Tvet College Acceptance Letter
29.Coastal KZN Tvet College Academic Calendar
30.Financial Management at Coastal KZN Tvet College
31.Coastal KZN Tvet College Blackboard Learn Login