Design Academy of Fashion Code Of Conduct
Code of Conduct
All members, staff and learners, of the Design Academy of Fashion, should at all times be bound by a code of honour and dignity, serving the common good of the Academy above and beyond personal gain, in a spirit of honest transparency. All members of the Academy are required to exercise common sense and decency, and to consistently act in accordance with these principles.
Learners of the Academy must at all times comply with any and all reasonable and lawful requests from any member of staff or management, providing that any request made does not represent an infringement of the learner’s basic rights, and provided that any request made serves the common good of the Academy. Specifically, learners should be aware of the following matters, acknowledging that this list is neither exclusive nor exhaustive:
Politeness and courtesy: to all staff members and fellow learners. Breaches of common decency will be viewed in the same light as gross misconduct.
Punctuality and attendance: Familiarise yourself with class/meeting times and attendance requirements. Lateness is disruptive and disrespectful.
Neatness: DAF asks that you keep your desk tidy at all times. At the end of the day, before leaving, all students must take all their work home and pack away any equipment.
Guests, studio models, family and friends, etc: You are responsible, physically and financially, for any person you allow into the building. Give them an overview of these rules.
Cheating and plagiarism: Infringement of others’ intellectual property rights is viewed in a very serious light.
Sexually inappropriate behaviour: Overt displays of sexuality do not promote an intellectually stimulating educational environment. DAF expects all students to be respectful to their classmates at all times.
Smoking: No smoking of any substance on campus. Smokers may make use of the outside smoking area and should minimize any discomfort to non-smokers.
The sobriety of conduct: At all DAF-related activities your system should be free, at all times, of any non-prescription substance which may affect your general demeanour.
Alcohol: May only be consumed at a function sanctioned by the directors. Here too, alcohol use, and not abuse, is endorsed. Moderation and discretion are required. Any use of alcohol at non-sanctioned DAF functions, including arriving at the Academy ‘under the influence’ is subject to disciplinary procedures.
Unacceptable language: Any language, which may offend others, is to be used with extreme discretion. When in doubt, don’t say it.
Unlawful behaviour: If it is against the law of the country, it’s against the law at DAF.
Violent behaviour: Any violence, actual or threatened, will be dealt with by the disciplinary committee, followed by possible suspension or expulsion.
Theft: If you remove things that don’t belong to you, fees will be increased to replace them. If you are caught stealing from the school or other students a disciplinary hearing will be held, followed by possible suspension or expulsion.
Library: All materials should be treated with respect. The times, procedures and statutes of the DAF library must be adhered to.
Care of equipment: If you damage equipment through misuse, you are responsible for the cost.
Cell phones: No cell phones on during theory lectures or presentations.
Firearms: No firearms are allowed on campus or at any DAF event.
Learners wilfully and knowingly placing themselves in breach of the spirit or letter of this code render themselves liable for punitive measures under the disciplinary procedures of DAF. The onus is on the learner to familiarise themselves with this code.
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