Eastcape Midlands TVET College Admission Requirements

Eastcape Midlands TVET College Admission Requirements

Eastcape Midlands TVET College Admission Requirements – See Details Below:

Learners who have completed a Grade 12 Certificate with a minimum of a higher Certificate achievement can consider studying further at a TVET College for a National Diploma.
The Report 191 (Nated) N4 – N6 Programmes, also known as Alternative Post-school Programmes.


  • Candidates must have a Grade 12 (NSC)
  • New students must enrol for all 4 subjects in the particular field
  • The number of enrolments in these programmes in subject to the approved DHET prescripts targets
  • Students who may enrol for N4-N6 programmes must comply with the required number of working hours in the relevant field of industry before a National Diploma will be issued (18 months / 2000 hours for semester programmes and 24 months / 2670 hours for trimester programmes)
See also  Life Healthcare College of Learning Admission Requirements


N1-N640% per subject
Government Ticket50% per subject


Each subject covers a period of 6 months (Jan -Jun) or (Jul – Dec). 4 Subjects must be taken for each programme. Students who pass all the subjects will be issued with a National Certificate in the specific field of study.
Certificates are issued by the National Department Higher Education and Training in Pretoria, after completion of each level.

After completing N6 and 18 months of relevant practical experience, students qualify for a National N-Diploma.
National N Diplomas are approved and issued by the National Department of Higher Education and Training in Pretoria.
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