Ehlanzeni TVET College Application Form

Ehlanzeni TVET College Application Form

Ehlanzeni TVET College Application Form – Download:
The Ehlanzeni TVET College Admission Form for for the Academic year is Out. Please apply for this admission intake before the Ehlanzeni TVET College Application Closing Date.

Before you proceed to application, Click on the links Below for information:

1.Ehlanzeni TVET College Admission Requirements
2.Ehlanzeni TVET College Fees Structure
3.Ehlanzeni TVET College Courses Offered
Each semester existing students are required to register for classes for the particular semester. The registration is held in the respective college office of students’ Affairs.
To register for classes, students should collect three copies of registration slips from the respective departmental heads complete the required information and get them signed by the head of the department/school and submit one copy of the slip to the respective college office of students’ Affairs and one copy to the University office of the registrar.
kindly follow the links provided below respectively. Don’t forget that the Ehlanzeni TVET College official website is
NOTE: This page is updated when any Ehlanzeni TVET College Admission Undergraduate Admission Form or Intake is opened for application, so you are advised to Bookmark and visit this page regularly to ascertain if your programme application form or intake of choice is out for the 2023 academic year. The Admission Letters would be given at the end of the Application exercise to show that You have been offered admission into this University.
kindly contact the university for more information on how to apply thank you:
Contact Address:

See also  Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Postgraduate Application Guideline

General Enquiries

Contact Details:
Tel : +27 (0)13 752 7105
Here is the EHlanzeni TVET College admission form for 2020/2022 session. This article will provide you with how to apply using the online admission application form.
This is to inform all students that want to apply for Ehlanzeni TVET College admission that they can now apply for admission to the institution and check the admission requirements. All students that meet the Ehlanzeni TVET College admission requirements can now proceed to apply for admission.
Below, you will find details on how to apply for the institution admissions and other things you need to apply successfully. You will also get a download link for the institution admission form.

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The only method of admission into the institution is the online application process. The details of the online application processes is below.

Ehlanzeni TVET College Online Application Procedure
  • To apply online, visit the Ehlanzeni TVET College online application portal using the link below Or visit the institution campus to book an online application/placement assessment session.
  • You can apply online with your smartphone/tablet/computer via the student i-Enabler.
  • All applicants must apply for admission for the current level and the next level of their application (e.g. applicant that want to enrol for BM N4 must apply for admission to BM N5 and BM N4)
  • Make sure you upload a scan copy of all the certified required documents to be eligible for admission.
  • Your application will be processed after paying the necessary fee (application fee)
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All students applying for a new admission will have to upload all the required documents which will be submitted with the online application form. The due date for the uploading of the documents is the admission form closing date, any student that submit later will not be considered for admission. Applicants are to scan the certified copy of the supporting documents and upload.


You will find the application fee on the application form. Your application will not be processed without payment of the application fee.

SEE ALSO:  Regenesys Business School Undergraduate Application

Also, all students must make sure they fill the application form completely to be eligible for admission.


All applicants applying for admission must upload a certified copy the following documents:

  • Birth Certificate/Identity Document (or new ID/Passport)
  • Recent Academic result
  • Certificates/Qualifications
  • Municipal billing document/any other account statement (not older than 3 months)


In addition to the documents above, international students are to upload the following documents:

  • A Study Permit that is valid for the duration of the study period
  • SAQA Foreign Qualifications Evaluation (
  • International Passport

Ehlanzeni TVET College Application.