Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Degree In Fashion Design

Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Degree In Fashion Design


The programme at its core is devised to engage the student in the practical, written and theoretical aspects of Design and Product Development. This foundation of the Fashion Design Process is underpinned by a robust selection of courses and modules that includes study and practice in Computer-Aided Design, Business and Retail Theory and Practice, Design Management and Textiles Understanding and Development. The programme is planned to stimulate critical thinking and professional methodology, with contextual studies covering topics of cultural, historical and contemporary practice and theory in fashion design.


To be admitted to the BA in Fashion Design, applicants must:

  • be older than 18 years of age at registration
  • have a National Senior Certificate (NSC) at NQF level 4 issued by Umalusi OR
  • have a National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV) Level 4 issued by Umalusi OR
  • have a Grade 12 or recognised equivalent qualification certified by Umalusi or an international equivalent examination board.
  • have English Home /Additional language Pass grade. (Non-South African students have to submit evidence of English proficiency.

Applicants of 23 years and above who do not meet the admission requirements may also be admitted based upon their work experience and Academy-specific entrance assessments and interviews.
Applicants must provide:

  1. A Certified copy of your academic transcripts or latest school report
  2. A motivation essay – a 500-word essay on:
    1. Why are you interested in fashion design?
    2. Where do you see yourself in the future?
    3. How will a qualification from Elizabeth Galloway Academy help you achieve your goals?
  3. Two (2) Written references – 2 Written references and the contact details of these 2 people (not family or friends).
  4. A Certified copy of your ID/Passport

Downloadable Prospectus 2023


See also  Apply at Flavius Mareka TVET College

Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design Online Application

Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Prospectus 2023

Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Part-Time Fashion Design Course

Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Degree In Fashion Design