Flavius Mareka TVET College Diploma Admission Requirements

Flavius Mareka TVET College Diploma Admission Requirements


Flavius Mareka TVET College Diploma Admission Requirements – See Details Below:

National N-Diplomas are not issued by Flavius Mareka TVET College, but by the National Department of Higher Education and Training in Pretoria. Selection is extremely strict and all documentation must be the originals (excluding certified copies where required). No copies/faxes will be accepted.


  • A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM – Complete the application form of the National Department of Higher Education and Training. You can Download it here.
  • CERTIFIED COPIES – Certified copies of your N4, N5 and N6 certificates as well as your identity document. Certification may not be older than 3 months.
  • A LETTER FROM YOUR EMPLOYER(S) – A letter on a letterhead from your employer(s) which has to contain the following information:
  • Specific dates as proof of the period in which you gained work experience that is relevant to your specific field of training. Refer to “National Exam Instruction No 21 of 2000, point 1.10”. The proof of experience must be in two main subjects of your N6 qualification.
  • A Certificate of Service that confirms that the candidate worked for more than 18 months, and
  • A complete duty sheet (job description) stating what your duties were.
See also  Port Elizabeth TVET College Admission Requirements

You are requested to read the circular “National Exam Instruction 21 of 2000” carefully so that you can acquaint yourself with the requirements which are set by the National Department of Higher Education and Training. The Department will under no circumstances issue a Diploma unless the candidate strictly complies with the requirements.
Please send your completed application and documentation via registered post/courier, or hand delivered for attention the Student Administration office on campus. Please keep in mind that applications take between 2-6 months to be processed.