Great Zimbabwe University (GZU) Fees Structure

Great Zimbabwe University (GZU) Fees Structure

Fees Structure

ProgrammeNew Students (fees in US$)Returning Students (fees in US$)
Bachelor of Education In-service (Conventional)576566
Bachelor of Social Science/ Arts/ Commerce/ Education Pre-Service (Conventional)601591
Dip In Adult Education/Arts646635
Bachelor of Social Sciences/ Arts/ Education Pre-Service/ Commerce (With Practical Fees) /BSc Urban Dev, Psychology, Home Economics & Art )651641
BA/BSSc Special Honours671661
BED In-service (Block)671661
Bachelor of Laws (LLB)681671
Bachelor of Social Science/ Arts/ Commerce/ Education BRIDGING IN-SERVICE (Block Release)696686
Bachelor of Science701691
Parallel Students726716
Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher and Tertiary Education746736
Bachelor of Science (Block Release)746736
Master of Education degrees (excluding SNE and ECD)796786
Master of Education Special Needs/ Master of Education Early Childhood Development821811
Master of Science degrees996986
Master of Commerce degrees996986
MPhil/ DPhil (Local Students)1000
MPhil/DPhil (International Students)1800
See also  North West University NWU Fees 2023–2022