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The Business School’s vision is built on “phronesis” (practical wisdom) emphasising not only the development of great business leaders, but leadership for the #commongood. Ethical and sustainable business practices are therefore at the heart of our teaching and research philosophy, and find expression in our AMBA-accredited multi-disciplinary MBA programme.

Milpark’s MBA curriculum consists of a purposefully selected blend of modules that ensure the development of managers skilled in the areas of social responsibility, the environment and corporate citizenship. At its core, the programme remains focused on the key management areas while paying sound attention to the critical skills that prepare our students to be ethical leaders for the common good in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The MBA is aimed at middle to senior managers in possession of a postgraduate degree or equivalent, desirous of acquiring advanced general strategic management skills and competencies. The ideal MBA graduate is a well-educated and well-rounded individual able to tackle the myriad problems facing managers in business. S/he is respected by the community, cares about the environment, understands global issues and conducts business in an ethical and sustainable way.
The principles underpinning our MBA degree are thus:

  • Exemplary performance from our graduates that sets an example of ethical and sustainable business practices
  • Ethical leadership that projects concern for humanity and the earth in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Strong local business roots with a global vision, grounded in the core competencies of managing a successful business in an ethical and sustainable way.

Successful completion of this qualification should enable the student to:

  • Analyse complex issues, think critically and appreciate alternative perspectives related to core business management issues.
  • Apply, evaluate and synthesise current management theories in the main functional areas of financial management, human resource management, marketing management, ethics, governance, operations management, global economics and leadership.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of and contribute towards the development and implementation of the response
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    Foreign applicants whose first language is not English are required to provide proof of proficiency in English prior to admission to the qualification.


    Minimum system requirements:

    • Reliable broadband Internet access
    • Firefox/Internet Explorer/Chrome web browser
    • Microsoft Word
    • PDF Viewer
    • Ability to scan and upload documents
    • Email/Cellphone for notification and communication




    Admission to the qualification is subject to academic selection criteria. The applicant must:

    • have an accredited postgraduate diploma, honours degree, a four-year Bachelor’s degree (that exits at Level 8) or equivalent.
    • be at least 25 years old.
    • achieve an acceptable rating in the Milpark assessment.
    • have a minimum of three to four years’ relevant work experience.
    • be proficient in English (proof of proficiency may be required for international students).
    • be computer and Internet-literate.
    • write a one-page essay motivating his/her admission onto the MBA.
    • present him/herself for an interview with the Programme Manager.
    • Submit a CV using the Milpark Business School template (template available on the online admission application).

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    This module assists students/candidates to improve their academic writing skills in order to improve competence in writing and research skills. This will contribute to a higher quality of output on written research assignments and will ensure a seamless entry into the business research module and dissertation. This module provides an introduction to Quantitative Analysis, which may be required when completing the Dissertation module


    After students have completed this module, they should have a good theoretical and practical understanding of management. Emphasis is placed on the managerial skills needed at various different levels of management and the ways in which to master management skills and competencies. Furthermore, an understanding of the nature of designing and managing a ‘winning strategy’ is demonstrated.


    This module exposes the student to perspectives and philosophies on moral and business ethics. The student will develop skills to identify and manage issues related to ethical practice and decision-making, and will be exposed to the requirements and practice of good corporate governance.


    The purpose of this module is to empower students (business executives, managers and leaders) to understand the influence and impact of business enterprises and their responsibilities. The module examines the social, ethical and environmental issues faced by both business and other kinds of organisations, providing business executives, managers and leaders with a theoretically supported analytical perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and enabling them to critically assess CSR issues, initiatives, drivers and responses. The module will enable students to recognise that current forms of economic activity are either unsustainable or will at least be subject to a wider raft of ethical, social and environmental constraints in the future. As such, the module considers social, ethical and environmental issues to the extent to which they represent both constraints and opportunities for commercial enterprises.


    This module is aimed at equipping students as future managers to deal with the most important asset: people. Organisations that acquire, develop and retain high-performing employees with the appropriate skills and competencies are better able to respond to the needs of their stakeholders and to changes in their external environment.


    This module examines a number of topical, strategic issues to demonstrate how strategy and tactics at an Operational level impact on the development and implementation of corporate strategy. Students are encouraged to explore their own experiences and those of others in operations to enable them to understand the strategic potential of operational problems and situations. The second part of this module will enable students to develop competence in evaluating and planning technologies for future operations.


    An international focus on current theory and practice in marketing is provided. Globalisation, micro-marketing, relationship marketing, standardisation and harmonisation are some of the concepts covered in this module. The module also considers appropriate strategies for product, price, promotion/communication and distribution and looks at their balance in the marketing mix. In the second part of this module, sales management is addressed.


    The module Advanced Business Research Methodology ABRM01-9 provides students with a strong underpinning in business research methodology. Students proceed to undertake research that aims to develop and test the ability to conceptualise, investigate, appraise and critically evaluate a significant research topic in the field of management and leadership in the form of a final dissertation. Students are required in this module to finalise a research proposal after examination for submission according to marker’s recommendation (where relevant) and according to institutional requirements in preparation for their final dissertation.


    The purpose of this module is to provide students with the tools and abilities that enhance their decision-making proficiency. The ability to make informed and rational financial decisions is absolutely critical if students are to succeed within the financial management sphere.


    Effective and exemplary leadership is essential in private, public and civil organisations. This module develops and refines the student’s knowledge and practice of leadership and change management in order to ensure responsible action and sustainable business.


    The aim of this module is to understand the global economy, to identify the relevant threats and opportunities and to design appropriate strategies around them. A strong focus will be placed on emerging economies as represented by the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).


    This module ensures an understanding of corporate-level finance. Capital markets, long-term finance, the valuation of businesses, risk-reduction techniques and strategic corporate governance are addressed.


    This module offers a unified approach to business strategy, consolidating the student’s knowledge and skills across core areas. All aspects of the business organisation are addressed in a focused strategy.

    ELECTIVES (select one)


    Entrepreneurship is the practice of starting new business ventures or revitalising mature companies (intrapreneurship). Entrepreneurial ventures often require unique sources for funding, such as venture capital, to raise the required capital. This module looks at the various ways in which new venture creation may be supported. The contribution of innovation in new business is also addressed.


    The purpose of the module is to enable students to gain the ability to investigate, develop and execute business and trade between South Africa and its BRICS partners (Brazil, Russia, India and China) or in other emerging markets. A firm grounding in the BRICS agreement and related theory will be supported by a field visit to a BRICS country with the aim of gathering more information and conducting an evaluation of possible opportunities. Students will gain knowledge about economic, political and cultural issues that can affect business ventures in emerging countries in general and a specific country in particular.


    New students registering for the first time on a programme (qualification).

    Students need to complete the admission process and receive academic acceptance onto the programme before registering for modules (subjects or courses).


    *International students: please refer to the admission requirements for international students by clicking here 

    Before applying, be sure that you:

    1. meet the minimum entry requirements as per the course programme brochure.
    2. adhere to the admission closing dates as per the course programme timetable.
    3. have all required documentation available as set out in the course programme brochure.
    Contact our student service centre at 086 999 0001 where a consultant will gladly assist you by completing your admission application on your behalf.
    Upon successful admission, you will receive an acceptance letter via email as well as login details to access myMilpark our online student environment.


    If you have completed a qualification at another accredited institution, you may be eligible for subject exemptions.

    To apply for an Exemption:

    1. submit the relevant application if any of the modules you have completed previously (no more than 10 years ago) are similar to the modules on the qualification you are applying for.
    2. submit your original exemption application form together with originally certificated documents via post or hand delivery to Milpark.
    Note: If you have previously completed a qualification at Milpark Education, you may also be eligible for subject exemptions, however, these will be automatically granted on admission. No application is required.


    On successful admission, you can proceed with the registration of your semester modules.
    *International students: please refer to the registration requirements for international students by clicking here 

    To register, ensure that you:

    1. have received your login details to access myMilpark.
    2. adhere to the registration closing dates as per the relevant course programme timetable.

    (You will be required to upload your proof of payment  proof of deposit/EFT, bursary letter or credit card.)

    Contact our student service centre at 086 999 0001 where a consultant will gladly assist you by completing your registration application on your behalf.
    Upon successful registration, a confirmation of registration letter will be sent together with your study material (where applicable).
    All admission and registration information can be also viewed online on myMilpark