Southern African Journalists’ Bursary South Africa 2019 – 2020

Southern African Journalists’ Bursary South Africa 2019 – 2020

About International Journalists’ Programmes

The International Journalists’ Programmes or IJP grants bursaries to up to six young Southern African or SADC-Member States namely: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe + Kenya as well as up to five young German journalists. Southern African successful candidates will have the chance to work in Germany for two months. They will be integrated into the day-to-day journalism of their host newsroom while also researching stories for their home media.

Southern African Journalists’ Bursaries

The Southern African-German Journalists’ Programme is named in honor of the former Federal President Horst Köhler and his dedication to the development of German-African relations. It serves as an effort to shape a united awareness of the other country and region as well as to promote Africa and Germany relations. The bursary also aims to allow young journalists to obtain important knowledge about the political, economical, cultural as well as the social fabric of the host country.

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Successful candidates for this program will receive a fixed payment of 3,000 Euro and no further financial support will be given. This will cover most of their travel, accommodation and living expenses. Should there be any other further expenses, candidates are then expected to use their own funds. In order to receive the full grant, applicants are required to write a report of at least three pages and provide copies of their published article after returning home.

Southern African Journalists Bursary Requirements and Eligibility

  • Journalists between the age of 25 and 40
  • Citizens from Southern Africa

How to Apply and Application Details

Prepare the following documents for your application:

  1. Create an updated CV with a passport photograph.
  2. Write an 800-word essay including the following information:
    • Why do you wish to work in Germany?
    • Your expectation from IJP and your potential contribution to it.
    • 3 research topics you want to pursue during the fellowship.
    • A role you expect to play at your home media in the future.
    • How you will spend the bursary?
  3. One-page resume which states:
    • Education and Work Experience
    • German (optional) and English (mandatory) skills. Provide copies of certificates/ e.g. Goethe Institut/Toefel.
    • 2 copies of articles written by you (any audio or video tape formats must be typed up)
  4. Journalistic reference from editor or head of department is required. For freelancers, submit a reference from a senior journalist. It should also guarantee your leave of absence for the duration of the program.
See also  South African Translators’ Institute SATI Bursary South Africa 2025 – 2026

Send your complete applications through email at

Closing Date

 15 February 2019 

Contact Details

Marco Vollmar
Adress: IJP Internationale Journalisten-Programme e.V., PO Box 31 07 46 D – 10637 Berlin
Phone: + 49 (0)30 /89 545 848