St Augustine College of South Africa Higher Certificate

St Augustine College of South Africa Higher Certificate

Higher Certificate in Biblical Studies

R1,500 per module
The Higher Certificate in Biblical Studies (HCBS) is a mixed-mode Programme, NQF5, which stretches over a period of two years minimum or three years maximum. It comprises 8 modules, seven of which are compulsory and must be taken in sequence. The 8th module is a choice of two Optional Modules. Distance learning is a correspondence mode that allows interested people from all over South Africa (and even the world!) to follow the course. All correspondence is by email.
This programme is recommended for aspirant deacons, catechists, religious educators and anyone who wants to go more deeply into the Bible. The course covers academic aspects of Biblical Studies as well as spiritual and practical aspects which together bring about a deeper realisation in those who follow this programme, that ‘God’s word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our paths’ (Ps 119:105).
Entrance requirements for this certificate are a South African matric, or it’s equivalent (evaluated by HESA). For mature students without a matric certificate, there is recognition of prior learning (also evaluated by HESA).
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  • Course Modules

    • HCBS101: SG001 Introduction to the Bible SG002 Skills for Biblical Ministry
    • HCBS102: SG101 Introduction to the Old Testament SG102 Beginnings
    • HCBS103: SG103 Patriarchs and People SG105 Latter Prophets
    • HCBS104: SG201 Introduction to the New Testament SG202 Gospel of Mark
    • HCBS105: SG207 Passion and Resurrection Stories SG209 Gospel of John
    • HCBS106: SG208 Acts of the Apostles SG210 Paul’s Letters
    • HCBS107: SG306 Biblical Foundations of Faith & Life I SG307 Biblical Foundations of Faith & Life II
    • HCBS108: SG107 Psalms SG205 Parables in the Synoptic Gospels
    • HCBS109: SG108 Old Testament Writings SG204 Sermon on the Mount

    The first seven modules are compulsory and must be taken in succession; the last two (HCBS108 and 109) are elective and only one needs to be chosen.

  • More

    For more information contact Mr John Hamathi (Coordinator of the Higher Certificate in Biblical Studies)
    Tel: 011-380-9081
    Apart from Higher Certificate in Biblical Studies (HCBS), St Augustine’s Department of Theology offers a number of degree courses: BTh, BTh Hons, MPhil, & DPhil. Further, the Department also offers a series of public lectures on topics of interest; please consult our News & Events.