Stenden South Africa Prospectus

Stenden South Africa Prospectus

Message from Dr Hensens – Executive Dean
Dear Student,
Welcome to Stenden South Africa! By deciding to study at Stenden South Africa you have made an important first step towards a career path that we know will take you places. Over the next three or four years, we will challenge and facilitate you to develop your knowledge, attitude, and skills to put you on top of your game. As we aspire to be known as the best Higher Education Institution on the African continent, we expect a great amount of effort and commitment from you. We have formalized our commitment and our expectations of you in our ‘Commitment to Excellence’ that you will find at the beginning of this prospectus and in different places on our campus.
The 2023 year will not be a normal year as we have learned that the Covid-19 Pandemic is far from over. We are however confident that our staff, students, and surrounding community will continue to work together to make the best of a difficult situation and ensure that you have the best possible learning experience. Our faculty has proven both creative and resilient in finding new and effective ways to engage you and we will draw and build on these lessons as we start the new academic year. As we deal with restraints that the Pandemic imposes on us we will continue to choose quality and safety over other considerations. This may lead to delays in certain areas, but with the end result you achieving all the required outcomes that our industries have grown so appreciative about.
There is much uncertainty in many industries and the two industries that we prepare you for are no different. We are however confident that the reputation of graduates who have come before you will continue to place you first in line as you embark on your career. Through our ‘Real World Learning’ approach that incorporates Problem Based Learning, Work-Based Learning, Design-Based Learning and Internships at World-class organisations, we will prepare you to hit the ground running in whichever situation your career may take you. You will find that as we are
a small campus with passionate staff, who will support you throughout your studies and we are open to learning how we can continuously improve our services to you, our students. I would invite you to make use of this unique environment and go beyond what is expected of you. Our Student Representation Council and its many committees offer but an example of the many opportunities available to you to develop your leadership and management capabilities whilst you study at Stenden.
A first step in starting your studies well is to closely study this prospectus. It explains in much detail what we offer and what we expect from you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Your module coordinator and lecturers are your first line of contact and if they would not have the answer, they will gladly find out for you. To be successful in your studies you need to be proactive and engage actively throughout to ensure you benefit from all that Stenden South Africa has to offer. Our focus is to be Early, be Prepared, be Excellent…and have Fun…
I look forward to getting to know you and wish you all the best in your studies with us!
Dr Wouter Hensens
Executive Dean

See also  Centurion Academy Prospectus

View prospectus