Stenden University South Africa About Us

Stenden University South Africa About Us

Stenden South Africa is a unique Higher Education Institution based in the seaside town of Port Alfred. Established in 2001, we pride ourselves on an impressive track record of top-quality higher education. Our pillars of Internationalisation, Problem Based Learning, and Research have positioned us at the top of our game with an impressive list of graduates who are making their way in the industry.
Stenden South Africa is an institution where we take pride in a student-centred approach to higher education through unique educational methods such as Problem Based Learning, Case-Based Learning, and Real World Learning in our learning companies.
Stenden South Africa is an International Branch Campus of NHL Stenden in the Netherlands. NHL Stenden has a long and diverse history of academic performance. Its teacher training degree programme goes back over 100 years. However, Stenden is anything but an old-fashioned …Institution. As the turn of the century was approaching, Stenden (back then operating under the name CHN University) chose to launch a pioneering concept known as the ‘Grand Tour’. The Grand Tour is an old European custom whereby youngsters were encouraged to travel and see the World before settling themselves in a career. Stenden had the desire to re-invent this concept and incorporate it in the different degree courses it offers. By establishing international campus sites the vision to offer a truly international education experience materialized.
Today Stenden offers higher education at campuses in the Netherlands, Thailand, Indonesia, Qatar and South Africa. The main program offered at each campus site is a hospitality management and this program is currently offered in Port Alfred as well.
Stenden South Africa is registered with the Department of Education of South Africa as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1977, and according to registration Certificate No. 2002/HE10/001,  offers a Bachelor of Commerce in Hospitality Management and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Disaster Management.
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