University Of Johannesburg UJ-Department of Psychology

University Of Johannesburg UJ-Department of Psychology

Why study Psychology?Psychology is a multidisciplinary field that is centred around understanding human behaviour and mental processes. By studying psychology, you will learn more about the diverse and dynamic nature of people and, in turn, foster a deeper understanding of yourself and others.
The primary purpose of a major in Psychology is to provide students with a broad-based and cohesive knowledge of the field which, itself, serves as a foundation for several other disciplines taught at the tertiary level.
Holding a degree in psychology equips the graduate with a range of analytical, interpretive and integrative skills that not only have a practical value for society as a whole but, moreover, are necessary and required competencies in a range of employment contexts.
Possible careers include:Work for NGOs, Government or Private Sector, Administrative support, Public Affairs, Education, Business, Sales, Service Industries, Employment Counselor, Correction Counselor Trainee, Interviewer, Personnel Analyst, Probation Officer, Writer, and Researcher, amongst others.
Majors and elective modules to combine with Psychology as major include:African Languages; Anthropology Classical Culture and Methodologies; Development Studies; History; Industrial Psychology, Languages; Linguistics; Philosophy; Public Management and Governance; Sociology and/or Strategic Communication.

The University of Johannesburg strives to be an international university of choice, anchored in Africa, dynamically shaping the future.  The UJ mission is to inspire its community to transform and serve humanity through innovation and the collaborative pursuit of knowledge. The UJ Psychology department draws inspiration from its location in the cosmopolitan city of Johannesburg.  UJ Psychology places emphasis on positive functioning, wellbeing and health promotion in the city.   The department offers training at the undergraduate and honours level, which extends into the professional training of the Masters clinical and counselling programmes and it includes a diverse programme in research Psychology. The department also hosts an active doctoral and postdoctoral programme.
The department is proud of its alumni boasting several high profiles South Africans in business, academia and civil society. The curriculum is inclusive of established psychology theory as well as African centred and local epistemologies to provide a contextualised curriculum, while still being internationally relevant. The department has an increasing pan African and global footprint with collaborations in a number of countries.
Vision Statement
The Department of Psychology strives for excellence in teaching, research, professional training and community engagement, both nationally and internationally within its location in the Faculty of Humanities, the University of Johannesburg and the broader African urban context.
We aim to achieve this by: 

  • Offering students an outstanding education in the discipline and profession of psychology that prepares them to deal with challenges and opportunities at all levels of society as well as on the personal, interpersonal and psychological levels of existence;
  • Facilitating the development of a management structure within the Department that is characterized by democracy, transparency, respect and accountability;
  • Encouraging members of staff in their career development through the mobilization of resources, providing a supportive infrastructure to promote high-quality, peer-reviewed research and its publication, as well as supporting staff to attend relevant academic conferences and workshops;
  • Developing a culture of the first-rate scholarship and learning for both staff and students and the establishment of excellent teaching practice and productive student-staff relationships;
  • Positioning the Department as a member of a world-class African University within a world-class city that seeks to support staff and students to engage with local communities through research, teaching, skills development and various programme implementation activities;
  • Positioning the Department as a non-discriminatory organization that attracts top quality staff and students;
  • Undertaking to increase the national and international reputation of the Department and the University by collaborating with international academics and professionals in teaching and research;
  • Pursuing appropriate policies that promote the development of a Department that seeks to maintain a social, ethical and political responsibility towards the growth of the discipline of Psychology

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