University of Kwazulu Natal UKZN Postgraduate Application Form

University of Kwazulu Natal UKZN Postgraduate Application Form

University of Kwazulu Natal UKZN Postgraduate Application Form 2023

UKZN Postgraduate Application Form 2023 – Download:

Postgraduate Applicants
Postgraduate Application Procedures

Application for admission to Postgraduate Certificates, Postgraduate Diplomas, Honours, Masters and PhD programmes must be made on the Postgraduate Application Form.

Download a  Postgraduate Prospectus

How To Obtain A UKZN Postgraduate Application Form

• Download a  Postgraduate Application Form OR
• Contact the UKZN Applications and Information Office on 031 260 2212/7877 or
033 260 5212 to request an applications form and Postgraduate Application Guide.
• Forms are also available from the Postgraduate Offices at the telephone numbers provided in the Postgraduate Application Guide OR
• Write to to request application material

Application Procedures

• Provide your existing student number at the top of page one if previously registered at UDW,UN or  UKZN
• List your programme choices on page one of the application form.  Please write the name of the programme in full and indicate the relevant campus
• Indicate if you would like to be considered for accommodation in one of the UKZN residences.  Limited accommodation is available for postgraduate students.
• Your student number must be quoted in all correspondence/enquiries to the UKZN
• UKZN requires an  application fee of R200

• If you are a current student and you have been registered in the previous academic year you will not be required to pay an application fee.  If you have been out of the system for two semesters or more you are required to pay the standard application fee.
• Current students wanting to apply for postgraduate certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and Honours prorgamme must apply on the internal Application form for admission to graduate studies. A form can be downloaded HERE.
• Current students wanting to apply for admission to Masters and PhD studies must complete the Postgraduate Application Form.
• Current students will not be required to pay an application fee.

See also  University of South Africa Unisa Application Opening Date
Details For The Application Fee Account For South African Applicants
Name: University Of KwaZulu-NatalBank: Standard Bank
Acc. No: 053080998
Branch: Westville
Branch Code: 045426
Reference: F001 11402 With Applicant’s Full Name

Please provide your details on the deposit slip. Submit proof of payment on submission of your application.

Closing Dates

• Please consult the Postgraduate Application Guide and your College for information on closing dates. Closing dates for Colleges and Schools may vary.
• Please attach certified copies of documentation requested on the application form.