University of Limpopo Biodiversity Department

University of Limpopo Biodiversity Department

University of Limpopo Biodiversity Department – See Details Below:

The Department of Biodiversity consists of the disciplines Botany and Zoology including the diversified fields of study related to both. The student is offered the opportunity to get acquainted with the diversity of life in terms of animals and plants and the characteristics that make different groups included in both kingdoms unique. The understanding of the uniqueness of different groups of organisms will also direct the student to appreciate the levels of biodiversity encountered in South Africa and the world wide drive towards the conservation of biodiversity.
University of Limpopo Biodiversity Department Vision
The Department of Biodiversity strives to offer instructional and research programmes that will contribute towards scientific and technological excellence in the Biological Sciences.
University of Limpopo Biodiversity Department  Mission
To develop the Department to be recognized for the training of qualified botanists and zoologists, whereby promoting the advancement of Science and Biotechnology. Through this we aim towards equity, quality and social development to meet the current and future needs of the country.

HOD: Dr MM Matla
Department of Biodiversity,
School of Molecular and Life Sciences,
Private Bag X1106
Tel:015 268 2300
Fax :086051202461

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