University of Limpopo Educational Undergraduate Courses

University of Limpopo Educational Undergraduate Courses

University of Limpopo Educational Undergraduate Courses – See Details Below:

Bachelor of Education – First Degree
B.Ed. First Degree is a 480 credits qualification at NQF level 6. Norms and Standards for Educator (February 2000) specifies that:
The Department of Educational Studies provides a conceptual framework upon which other departments build their modules. The Departments modules therefore serve as core modules to the programme. It carries 120 credits (spread from 1 st year to the 4 th year)
The Department comprises the following content areas:
Curriculum Studies
Educational Psychology
Development Studies in Education
Life Orientation and
HIV and AIDS Education
Educational Research Methodologies
• Advanced Certificate in Education-ACE (Grade R) or Life Orientation (LO) or Values and Human Rights (VHR)
ACE in Grade R is a 240 credits qualification at NQF level 6. It provides an opportunity for practicing teachers to enhance their content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in the area of specialisation thereby leading them into career opportunities.
The ACE will provide teachers with knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to be effective in their respective content areas. There are three of specialisations, namely:University of Limpopo Educational Undergraduate Courses
ACE (Grade R)
ACE (Life Orientation)
ACE (Values and Human Rights)
Specific Outcomes
Has sound mastery of content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in the chosen learning areas
Can translate theory into practice
Can design, execute and assess learning activities that reflect processes, acquisition of new concepts and problems solving skill.
Can carry out action research that will inform ongoing development and improvement of personal classroom practice
Has a professional thirst for life-long learning.
Key Performance Indicators
A practical understanding of the role of language, resources and teaching aids within relevant specialisation.
A practical understanding of the of learners’ existing ideas, skills and attitudes within relevant specialisation and their influence on the learning programme and process.
An ability to reflect on teaching approaches used and the ability to adjust and change these approaches according to the context (learners, school, geographical area) in which learning takes place.
An ability to choose appropriate assessment approaches and techniques for different purposes recognising underlying theories, assumptions, strengths and weaknesses.
An ability to use the results from formative and summative assessment appropriately for administrative purposes, learning programme development as well as feedback to learners, parents and colleagues.
An ability to design assessment according to requirements of learners, the learning programme and language.

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