University of Limpopo Plant Production Soil Science and Remote Sensing Department

University of Limpopo Plant Production Soil Science and Remote Sensing Department

University of Limpopo Plant Production Soil Science – See Details Below:

The Department of Plant Production, Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the disciplines of soil science, plant production (Agronomy, Horticulture and Pasture science) and Plant Protection which is offered at Postgraduate level. At undergraduate level, soil science and plant production may be taken as a major subject in the four-year B Sc. Agric. degree programme. Theoretical and practical modules are designed to provide students with relevant knowledge and skills to serve the needs of the agricultural sector and rural communities. Students interested in pursuing postgraduate studies may enrol for honours, masters or doctoral degrees in the respective areas.

There are excellent facilities at the School’s Experimental Farm essential for undergraduate and postgraduate training in both research and commercial production systems. These facilities are also utilized to provide training for smallholder farmers as part of community outreach. The availability of different production units in the Department ensures continuous research and training activities throughout the year. In addition to these facilities, the Department has access to the jointly established laboratories where analyses are carried out by students and researchers. The Department has active collaborative research and training initiatives with the Agriculture Research Council, government departments, Universities, institutes and various international partners which enable its postgraduate students’ access to a wide array of expertise and facilities.
The Department engages in research projects for both staff development and postgraduate training. Research activities include improved and sustainable production under small-scale and commercial enterprises and the profitability of different production systems. The research projects are conducted with full involvement of students, extension agents and farmers. Current research projects focus on improving and sustainable crop production practices, natural resources conservation under changing climatic conditions and nutrient management/re-cycling in different agro-ecosystems.
To be innovative leaders in finding sustainable solutions to Agricultural and Environmental needs in Africa


To produce competitive Agricultural and Environmental professionals in Southern Africa through innovative teaching, research and community engagement
Core Values:
The department strives to fulfil the University of Limpopo and Faculty of Science and Agriculture mission through training and mentoring of crop and soil science specialists who are highly professional, efficient, and independent and can embrace change, diversity and integrity.
University of Limpopo Plant Production Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering Contact Address

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