University of South Africa Unisa Technical Vocational Education and Training TVET Application

University of South Africa Unisa Technical Vocational Education and Training TVET Application

University of South Africa Unisa Technical Vocational Education and Training TVET Application | Unisa Technical Vocational Education and Training TVET 2023 – see details below to download an application form to apply …

Applicants who plan to enrol for classes at a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college under the Unisa-TVET agreement may apply via the relevant TVET college or at Unisa via the online or self-help options.
See Also: University of South Africa Unisa Prospectus
Upload supporting documents
Everyone applying for a new qualification must submit the required documents (all first-time applicants and Unisa students starting a new qualification). The due date for uploading the required documents is the closing date for applications. No documents submitted after the closing date for applications will be accepted.
Unisa does not provide scanners or electronic devices. Please ensure that your documents are scanned and uploaded to an electronic device before starting the application process.

Pay the application fee once you’ve received a student number from Unisa

  • R115 for online applications
  • R185 for hard copy applications (hard copy applications will only be considered in exceptional cases)
  • Use the student number you receive from Unisa AND the application fee reference number (ie STUDENT NUMBER 5370810030)
  • Visit for banking details and payment information.
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This fee is non-refundable even if you decide not to study through Unisa, do not qualify for admission to Unisa or cannot be offered a space due to limited spaces available. Unisa does not accept cash at any of its offices.
The due date for the application fee is the closing date for the application period. Any application submitted without an application fee paid on time will not be processed. Please ensure that you keep a copy of your proof of payment.
Make sure that your application is complete
If your application for admission to study through Unisa is incomplete, you will have to re-apply during the next application period.

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