University of Stellenbosch Department of Management​​

University of Stellenbosch Department of Management​​

University of Stellenbosch Department of Management​​

University of Stellenbosch Department of Management​​ – See Details Below:


The Department introduces students to the field of Management.  Lectures are in the form of presentations and Q and A sessions.  Student presentations are incorporated in most modules as well.  Most modules requires semester and class tests, with some also requiring written assignments, as well as group presentations.  The department therefore follows the idea of continuous assessments based on the class tests, presentations, assignments, formal tests and examinations.

PURPOSE OF DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENTTo equip students with the skills to apply sound management principles, become familiar with a whole range of subdiciplines in the management field and be able to apply theoretical principles to effect changes in the organisation.  Critical thinking and environmental awareness is emphasised.

Introduction to Organisation and Resource Management 114

Provides a focus on the role of managers in the public sector by providing an overview of the different functions within an organisation.  Attention is given to the unique nature of the public sector, the ethical foundations the environment of the public sector as well as the management functions of the public sector.

General Management An overview of the management environment; management environment; management of diversity; planning skills; creative problem solving; strategic and operational planning processes; organising skills; organising and delegation; management of change; leadership skills; group and team development; power, conflict and stress; control of human resources; control of financial resources.

Logistics Management The role of logistics in the economy and organisation; customer service; logistics information systems; inventory management; managing materials flow; transport warehousing; materials handling and packaging; purchasing; global logistics; organising for effective logistics; methods to control logistics performance; supply chain management; implementation of a logistics strategy.

Financial Management An introduction to financial management with reference to the analysis of financial statements and long-term financial planning.  The valuation of cash-flows, share and bonds.  The analysis of capital budgeting and budget control, short-term financial planning and management.

Project Management Project management concepts; needs identification; proposed solutions and the implementation of projects; The project manager, project team, types of project organisations and project communication and documentation are analysed as part of the personnel management function.  Lastly, project planning and control is studied as part of planning, scheduling, scheduling control, resource considerations and cost planning and performance.

Strategic Management An introduction to South African law as a set of guidelines for effective public management.  Attention is given to basic concepts of constitutional law; general principles of administrative law; co-operative government and the sources of administrative law; legal subjects and administrative acts; just administrative action and control over administrative action

See also  University of the Free State UFS Faculty of Education Schools