University of Stellenbosch Public and Development ​Management

University of Stellenbosch Public and Development ​Management

​University of Stellenbosch Public and Development ​Management

​​ ​ University of Stellenbosch Public and Development ​Management – See Details Below:

Public and Development Management
​ABOUT USThe Department introduces students to the field of Public and Development Management.  Lectures are in the form of presentations and Q and A sessions.  Student presentations are incorporated in most modules as well.  Most modules require semester and class tests, with some also requiring written assignments, as well as group presentations.  The department therefore follows the idea of continuous assessments based on class tests, presentations, assignments, formal tests and examinations.

To equip students with the skills to apply sound management principles, understand legal issues applicable to the civil service and be able to apply theoretical principles to effect changes in the organisation.  Critical thinking and environmental awareness are emphasised.

Budget Management An introduction covering why the state requires funds, the objectives of the modern state, functions of the state.  What are the sources of income and the tax regime, state expenses, functions of the budget, the budget cycle and the defence budget.
Labour Relations Focuses on the impact of labour relations in SA and in particular on the defence force.  Labour relations systems, the role of the state, the historical context and legal framework.  Labour unions and employer organisations in a theoretical context; communication in the workplace and labour relations procedures.  Labour relations in the military environment.​ University of Stellenbosch Public and Development ​Management
Development Management The objective is to sensitise students to developmental issues facing all developing countries.  The module is an introduction which covers classifications; characteristics; and measurement of development.  Selected issues include poverty, urbanisation environmental issues as well as educational and health systems in developing countries.  Development planning, and the role of the military in development are also discussed.
Organisational Science Focus on the development of organisational theory.  It addresses the following: organisations as systems; the components of the macro environment; organisational effectiveness; structure and design of organisations; contemporary problems of organisational growth; organisational culture, change and renewal.

Public Management under Administrative Law An introduction to South African Administrative Law as a set of guidelines for effective public management.  Attention is given to basic concepts of constitutional law; general principles of administrative law; co-operative government and the sources of administrative law; legal subjects and administrative acts; just administrative action and control over administrative action.


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