University of the Free State Institute for Groundwater Studies

University of the Free State Institute for Groundwater Studies

University of the Free State Institute for Groundwater Studies – Check below:

The institute was founded in 1974 and celebrated its 40th birthday in 2014. Since its establishment in 1974, the institute has shown a gradual growth in the number of postgraduate students. The institute is proud of the continued quality and excellence in pursuit of the strategic priorities of the University of the Free State.
A major accomplishment was the outcome of the accreditation of the IGS Laboratory by SANAS (South African National Accreditation System) in March 2016.
IGS is the leading groundwater research group in Africa on aspects related to fractured rock aquifers, industrial and mining contamination, groundwater governance, and groundwater resources.
The institute conducts contract research on a wide variety of water-related topics. Of special interest is its contribution to the mining and industrial sectors in terms of water management, minimisation of pollution, as well as understanding the nature and behaviour of South Africa’s aquifers. The institute provides a complete service to these industries through field investigations, the development of specialised field equipment, a well-equipped commercial and water research laboratory and a number of computer models for the management and operation of the aquifers, protecting them from pollution.

The institute also takes part in research projects for the Water Research Commission (WRC), Coaltech, and the government. We are proud of the fact that technologies developed through these projects are now in use worldwide.

The IGS has expertise in the following fields of geohydrology:

  • Groundwater research, Laboratory services, Groundwater in a mining environment, Development of groundwater monitoring programmes, Hydrogeological and contaminant investigations, Geochemical assessments, Groundwater software development, Acid-mine drainage prediction and management, Assessment of groundwater pollution, Groundwater risk assessments, Groundwater resource development and management etc.
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Postgraduate Studies
IGS offer the following degrees in Geohydrology:

  • BSc Honours in Geohydrology
  • MSc in Geohydrology
  • PhD in Geohydrology

For more information, please consult the Faculty Rule Book.
* Prospective Students
* Faculty Rule Book
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E Lukas
T: +27 51 401 2793
Academic Manager (Academic Enquiries)
Dr A Allwright
T: +27 51 401 3481
Academic Head (Academic Enquiries)
Prof A Atangana
T: +27 51 401 3744
General Enquiries (Academic)
A Rossouw
E: or
T: +27 51 401 2175
Please take note that NO enquiries should be sent to the Director.
Financial Enquiries
L Rust
T: +27 51 401 2380
Laboratory Manager
Dr LM Deysel
T: +27 51 401 2317

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