University of the Free State UFS Faculty of Law Prospectus

University of the Free State UFS Faculty of Law Prospectus

University of the Free State Faculty of Law Prospectus – Check below:

The LLB degree prepares students for entry into the legal professions, for a wide range of careers which require the application of law, and for postgraduate studies in law.
The successful candidate will be able to:

  • be a lifelong student with the ability to be well-informed of the most recent legal developments;
  • take part as a responsible citizen in local, national, and international communities;
  • be sensitive as a lawyer to the cultural and ethnic diversity in the community; and
  • explore educational and career possibilities and develop entrepreneurial skills.

The successful candidate will, more specifically, be able to:

  • identify and solve legal problems through critical and creative thinking;
  • approach and study personal and professional activities in a responsible, ethical, and effective manner;
  • do effective legal research by gathering, analysing, and critically evaluating information;
  • communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing;
  • cooperate effectively with others in society;
  • use technology effectively and responsibly to the advantage of the community as a whole; and
  • see the law as a component in a system of interdependent systems within the community where problem-solving cannot occur in isolation.
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Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the four-year LLB, a candidate should be in possession of a National Senior Certificate (from 2008) or National Certificate (Vocational) with an AP score of at least 33 points, with a minimum performance mark of 70% (performance level 6) in Afrikaans Home Language, Afrikaans First Additional Language , English Home Language or English First Additional Language, and (2) a minimum performance mark of 70% (performance level 6) in Mathematical Literacy or a minimum performance mark of 50% (performance level 4) in Mathematics.
If you have matriculated before 2008, the requirement is that a candidate be in possession of an endorsed Senior Certificate (until 2007) with an M-score of at least 34 points or have a previous degree on an NQF 7.

University of the Free State UFS Faculty of Law Departments
University of the Free State UFS Faculty of Law Contacts
University of the Free State UFS Faculty of Law Undergraduate Courses
University of the Free State UFS Faculty of Law Postgraduate Courses
University of the Free State UFS Faculty of Law Short Learning Programs

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