University of the Free State UFS Qwaqwa Campus Courses

University of the Free State UFS Qwaqwa Campus Courses

University of the Free State UFS Qwaqwa Campus Courses – Check below:

Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

Students can enrol for the following degrees:
1. Baccalaureus Commercii (i.e. Bachelor of Commerce – BCom) degree in General Management
2. Baccalaureus Administrationis (i.e. Bachelor of Administration – BAdmin) degree.
Faculty of Education
Students can enrol for the following degrees:

Undergraduate degrees:

  • Bachelor of Education (BEd)
  • BEd (Foundation Phase Teaching) (new programme commenced in 2015)
  • BEd (Intermediate Phase Teaching) (new programme commenced in 2017)
  • BEd (Further Education and Training Phase Teaching) (new programme commenced in 2015)

Postgraduate degrees:

  • BEdHons (Bachelor of Education Honours)
  • PGDip (Postgraduate Diploma in Education) (commenced in 2016)
  • MEd (Master of Education)
  • PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)
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Students can enrol for the following certificates:

  • Advanced Certificate in Teaching (ACT): An outcome-based training programme that focuses on the needs of practising educators who are required to develop their role-taking skills in the context of their employment.
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (FET): The PGCE is a generalist professional educator’s qualification that ‘caps’ an undergraduate qualification. It is intended for learners seeking a career in either the Senior or Further Education and Training Phase.

Faculty of the Humanities
Students can enrol for the following degrees:

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Community Development ( only on the QwaQwa Campus)
  • Bachelor of Social Science

Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

Students can enrol for the following degrees:

  • Undergraduate three-year degree (Mainstream Programme)
  • Undergraduate four-year degree (UPP and Extended Programme)
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Postgraduate programmes

Honours, Master’s, and PhD in Polymer Science
Computer Sciences and Informatics
Honours, Master’s and PhD in Computer Information/Computer Science
(BA and BSc)
Honours in Geography
MA/MSc: Geography/Environmental GeographyPhD: Geography/Environmental Geography/Human Geography
Honours, Master’s, and PhD in Physics (Renewable Energy and Electronics)
Plant Sciences
Honours, Master’s, and PhD in Botany (Plant Reproductive/Pollination Biology, Proteomics, and Phytomedicine/Ethnobotany)
Zoology and Entomology
Honours, Master’s, and PhD in Zoology (Entomology, Animal Behaviour, Parasitology, Ecotoxicology, and Immunology)
Dilahlwane Mohono
T:  +27 58 718 5284
Room 1012/2, Old Science Building