University of Western Cape UWC Accommodation

University of Western Cape UWC Accommodation

University of Western Cape UWC Accommodation – See Details Below:

About a quarter of the students at UWC are in university residences. Many of the others stay at home, but private lodgings are required by a significant number. The Residential and Catering Services Office allocates and manages accommodation in university residences for about 3500 full-time UWC students.

All residences are furnished with basics such as bed, desk, chair and wardrobe.  sand have pleasant lounges and recreation facilities. Students are accommodated in comfortable single or double rooms with beds and desks.

Students who live more than 60 kms from the campus have first priority in the allocation of residence places.

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Applicants for places (or for readmission to residence at the beginning of a new year) must be in good academic and financial standing and have a clean disciplinary record. Details of what these requirements mean are available on request.

 If you are admitted to residence, you must bring your own bedding and towels. In addition, you may bring a kettle, mugs and items to decorate the room. Meals prepared by Food Services are available in five communal dinning halls. You are not oblige to use the dining halls as a resident student, and if you do you will be charged only for those meals you take. However, you may not cook in residence.

A place in residence is normally allocated for a year, excluding winter and summer vacations. Residences are closed during official university vacations. If there are academic reasons for staying on campus over a vacation, it is usually possible to arrange this, although it may be necessary for you to move to another residence for the vacation.

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