University of Western Cape UWC Department of Afrikaans and Nederlands

University of Western Cape UWC Department of Afrikaans and Nederlands

University of Western Cape Afrikaans Department – See Details Below:

Department of African and Dutch
You are now in the heartland of Afrikaans, the language that originated from the communities we serve. It is the language in which most people in this part of the country utter their first words, live with devotion and exhale their last breath.
Afrikaans is a national asset for us. It is an important source of knowledge and of empowerment. That is why our department offers a home to all varieties of Afrikaans. We want all speakers to participate anew in the writing and enjoyment of literature and in the development of language as an intellectual tool. With special courses we also open the doors wide for non-Afrikaans speakers. Our courses in Dutch are also aimed at empowerment. Afrikaans’ African and other international connections are there to be transformed into opportunities for our students.

University of Western Cape UWC Department of Afrikaans and Nederlands Contact

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