University of Western Cape UWC Department of Geography Environmental Studies and Tourism

University of Western Cape UWC Department of Geography Environmental Studies and Tourism

UWC Department of Geography Environmental Studies – See Details Below:

Department of Geography, Environmental Studies & Tourism

​Welcome to the Department of Geography, Environmental Studies & Tourism at UWC. Formed under the constraints of apartheid’s vision for segregated education in 1960, the department ranks among the oldest and most established at UWC. Located in the Faculty of Arts, the department is uniquely positioned to produce critical, socially-informed research and education in post-apartheid South Africa.The department is proud of its multicultural and multinational group of students and scholars whose research and publications are internationally recognised. Working in both human and physical geography, we offer undergraduate degrees (B.A.) with majors in Geography & Environmental Studies as well as Tourism. We also offer B.A.(Hons)​, M.A. and PhD degrees.

UWC Department of Geography Environmental Studies Contact

See also  University of the Free State UFS Department of Biostatistics