University of Western Cape UWC Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery and Anaesthesiology and Sedation Department

University of Western Cape UWC Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery and Anaesthesiology and Sedation Department

UWC Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery Department – See Details Below:

Maxillo-Facial & Oral Surgery
​​The cluster, Maxillo-Facial & Oral Surgery and Anaesthesiology &Sedation consists of the two departments namely “Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery” and ”Anaesthesiology and Sedation”. The cluster offers post-graduate programmes that vary from clinical post-graduate diplomas​, a clinical specialist master’s programme, research masters and PhD studies.
More details regarding post-graduate programmes, undergraduate teaching and training as well as the extensive cl​inical service rendering which takes place on the combined clinical platform in the Western Cape, is available in the 2011 Departmental Report.​​​