Botho University BSc(Hons) in Hospitality Management

Botho University BSc(Hons) in Hospitality Management

BSc(Hons) in Hospitality Management

Mode of Study


The Bachelor of Science with Honours in Hospitality Management is targeted at those wishing to enter the hospitality and tourism sector and build a career in hotel operations by carefully combining theoretical and practical learning to ensure that graduates have both the knowledge and the skills to succeed in the hospitality industry in Botswana. Click here for entry criteria.

Programme details: The programme consists of core (required) and elective modules as detailed below. Some modules may have pre-requisites (i.e. may require the student to pass another module or set of modules first). Some modules may be pre-requisite (i.e. such modules are required tbe taken together). The number at the end of the module in parenthesis indicates the credit load of the module. 1 credit is equal to 10 hours of learning (guided, in-class and independent combined); therefore a 10-credit module requires on average 100 hours of learning from the student.

Core Modules

  • H5-LOP-14: Laundry Operations (10)
  • H5-HKP-14: Housekeeping Operations (10)
  • H5-FR-17: Front Office and Reservations Operations (10)
  • H5-IH-17: Introduction to Hotel Operations (10)
  • D5-CS1-13: Communication and Study Skills 1 (20)
  • H5-KOP-14: Kitchen Operations (10)
  • H5-BOP-14: Bar Operations (10)
  • H5-FSE-14: Food Service Operations (10)
  • H5-IFB-14: Introduction to Food and Beverage (10)
  • D5-CS2-13: Communication and Study Skills 2 (20)
  • C5-ICO-11: Introduction to Computers (20)
  • B5-BM1-13: Business Management 1 (20)
  • A5-IFA-13: Introduction to Financial Accounting (20)
  • B6-MKT-13: Marketing Management (20)
  • B7-SBM-13: Small Business Management (20)
  • H7-HHR-14: Hospitality Human Resource Management (20)
  • H7-TLE-14: Travel and Leisure (20)
  • B7-CFI-13: Corporate Finance (20)
  • H7-PPR-13: Professional Practice (60)
  • B8-BRM-13: Business Research Methods (20)
  • H8-PR1-17: Project 1 (20)
  • B8-ENT-13: Essentials of Entrepreneurship (20)
  • B8-STM-13: Strategic Management (20)
  • H8-PR2-17: Project 2 (20)
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Elective Modules

  • Select one from the following (Sem3):
    • H6-RM1-15: Rooms Management 1 (20)
    • H6-FB1-15: Food & Beverage Management 1 (20)
  • Select one from the following (Sem4):
    • H6-RM2-15: Rooms Management 2 (20)
    • H6-FB2-15: Food & Beverage Management 2 (20)
  • Select one from the following (Sem5):
    • H7-RMG-16: Revenue Management (20)
    • H7-ECI-14: Environmental and Cultural Interpretations (20)
  • Select one from the following (Sem6):
    • H6-WBH-14: Web-based Applications in Hospitality (20)
    • H7-CBT-16: Community-Based Tourism (20)
  • Select one from the following (Sem8):
    • B7-SMK-13: Strategic Marketing (20)
    • H8-SET-14: Sustainable Eco-Tourism (20)

Recommended full-time study path (4½ years):

Year 1Sem 1D5-CS1-13: Communication and Study Skills 120
H5-KOP-14:Kitchen Operations10
H5-BOP-14: Bar Operations10
H5-FSE-14: Food Service Operations10
H5-IFB-14: Introduction toFood and Beverage10
Sem 2H5-IHO-17: Introduction to Hotel Operations10
D5-CS2-13: Communication and Study Skills 220
H5-HKP-14: Housekeeping Operations10
H5-LOP-14: Laundry Operations10
H5-FRO-17: Front Office and Reservations Operations10
Year 2Sem 3C5-ICO-11: Introduction to Computers20
B5-BM1-13: Business Management 120
Elective –I (Select one module form below)
B6-RM1-15: Rooms Management 120
B6-FB1-15: Food & Beverage Management 120
Sem 4A5-IFA-13: Introduction to Financial Accounting20
B6-MKT-13: Marketing Management20
Elective –I (Select one module form below)
B7-RM2-15: Rooms Management 220
B6-FB2-15: Food & Beverage Management 220
Year 3Sem 5B7-SBM-13: Small Business Management20
H7-HHR-14: Hospitality Human Resource Management20
Elective –I (Select one module form below)
B7-RMG-16: Revenue Management20
B7-ECI-14: Environmental and Cultural Interpretations20
Sem 6H7-TLE-14: Travel and Leisure20
B7-CFI-13: Corporate Finance20
Elective –I (Select one module form below)
B6-WBH-14: Web-based Application in Hospitality20
B7-CBT-16: Community Based Tourism20
Year 4Sem 7H7-PPR-13: Professional Practice60
Sem 8B8-BRM-13: Business Research Methods20
H8-PR1-17: Project 120
Elective –I (Select one module form below)
B7-SMK-13: Strategic Marketing20
B8-SET-14: Sustainable Eco-Tourism20
Year 5Sem 9B8-ENT-13: Essentials of Entrepreneurship20
B8-STM-13: Strategic Management20
H8-PR2-17: Project 220
See also  Botho University Botswana CIPFA

Admissions Criteria

1) Applicants are expected to have successfully completed secondary schooling. The typical entry requirement is BGCSE or IGCSE (in Botswana), LGCSE (in Lesoth) or other equivalent secondary school qualification. BGCSE or IGCSE (in Botswana), LGCSE (in Lesoth) candidates are required to achieve a minimum grade of D in five subjects.

2) Applicants must have 10 points in English and Mathematics combined or 32 points in the top 5 subjects.

3) Applicants in possession of a Diploma or Higher Diploma in related field may be given exemptions based on the credit point equivalency

4) For enquiries and more information please visit our website:

See Also: Admission For Universities And Colleges In Botswana

                  : List Of Universities And Colleges In Botswana