Botho University Certificate in Health Informatics

Botho University Certificate in Health Informatics

Certificate in Health Informatics

Mode of Study


This course provides job-focused training for specific roles or careers in health and health related occupations.

The Market survey established that demand for skilled workers in the field of health informatics (HI) is growing rapidly. The central issue is the lack of skilled employees who can manage health information in a systemic and professional way.

The Certificate in Health Informatics is designed for learners with little information technology or health informatics knowledge, and for the professionals with some health or IT background. The course will provide skills in the interdisciplinary field of health informatics within a management context, as well as build skills based on the students’ current area of expertise. If one is a health professional, they may need courses to increase their IT skills. If one is an IT professional, they may need courses that give them a better understanding of the health care system.

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The purpose of the Certificate in Health Informatics is to provide personnel that are skilled enough for the compilation, safe keeping, processing and production of reports for a medical facility.

Full time, The Program will be delivered on a full time basis.

Part time, The program can also be delivered on a part time basis, or block release.

Programme structure

Recommended full-time study path: 1 year

Year 1Sem 1Introduction to medical records(IMR)20
Basic Professional Skills (BPS)20
Introduction to Hospital Information systems(HIS)20
Sem 2Industrial practice (IPR)40
B5 Social and Behavioral Approaches to Public Health (SBA)20

Admission Criteria:

Senior secondary school leaving certificate such as BGCSE, LGCSE or equivalent with pass in English and Science subjects (Chemistry/Physics/ Maths/Computer Science/Biology). Candidates above 25 years with at least 5 years of work experience, of which at least 2 years must be at Level 4 equivalent may be considered under mature entry criteria.

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