Journalism Learnerships 2025 – 2026

Journalism Learnerships 2025 – 2026

Journalism Learnerships 2025 – 2026

Journalism Learnerships | Journalism is not merely about writing an article or about an event. It includes many career fields that are applicable to the news and media industries. Every day we see, read and hear about local and global events, fashion changes, music, movies and more through journalism. If something is changing, happening or developing you will be made aware of it through some form of media. If this is something you like, Journalism Learnerships are a good way to find out if this is for you.

Journalism was and mostly is still considered as a form of investigative reporting on current issues, trends, social or political issues and all forms of news. Newspapers and magazines were the popular way of spreading news. But with today’s technological advancements television, radio and the internet, and even social media is the new way of receiving information on all of the changes around the world. Thus, the world of journalism is also changing.

Journalism is about reporting the who, what, where and when of all events and changes big and small. Journalism is about reporting events and delivering news or stories of what is happening. Some journalists are just writers of stories or editors who get a story straight. Where many others still do field work and go out into dangerous or unknown fields to get the story they want. You get journalists that only focus on news events and others that prefer the fashion industry or global events.

Companies offering Journalism Learnerships

Journalism Learnerships Available

There are a couple of careers to consider in this industry. Yet, it mostly focuses on newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. We have listed some of the more openly advertised positions available for learnerships here below.

See also  Prison Warder Learnerships 2025 – 2026

Career options:

  • Television Reporter
  • News Journalist
  • Writer
  • Editor
  • Marketing Assistant
  • Marketing Manager
  • Reporter

Most learnerships offered in these fields are for a 12 or 24-month period. Successful candidates will most likely also receive a monthly allowance or stipend but transport, meals, and accommodation will most likely not be included.

Journalism Learnerships Requirements

The requirements for journalism learnerships will be slightly different for each company. However, there are many similar stipulations. Individuals applying for a learnership must be sure to meet all set stipulations as given by the company they are applying to. We have compiled a list of basic requirements for you to start with.

Basic stipulations needed:

  • Candidates must be a citizen of South Africa
  • Applicants must have an ID document/book/card
  • All applicants must hold a Matric or Grade 12 certificate
  • Applicants must have a diploma or degree in the field of their application
  • Candidates must be proficient in the English language
  • All candidates must be computer literate
  • Applicants must not be employed
  • All applicants must not be part of any other learnership
  • Applicants must hold a medical certificate stating disability if applicable
  • All applicants must be detail-orientated

Basic writing skills, Photoshop and Microsoft Office familiarity is also recommended depending on the career field you are entering. Any and all extra-curricular activities you were part of in this industry are worth mentioning, any recommendations and a CV must also be attached to your application.

It is important that all applicants provide current contact details, telephone numbers, email addresses, and postal and physical addresses. All documents must be copied and certified, please, do not attach your originals to the application. People with a disability are also encouraged to apply.

READ ALSO: Latest Learnerships in South Africa

                        : Learnerships By Category

                        : Government Learnerships

See also  Learnerships Closing February 2012 / 2013


WBHO Learnerships

Aurecon Learnerships

Anglo American Learnerships Programme

Amathuba Learnerships

Avusa Learnerships Programme

ArcelorMittal Learnerships

BANKSETA Learnerships Programme

Barloworld Learnerships

BBE Learnerships

BHP Billiton Learnerships

BMW Learnerships Programme

Bytes Learnerships Programme

CETA Learnerships

Coca Cola Learnerships

Coega Learnerships

Correctional Services Learnership Programme

De Beer Learnerships

DHL Learnerships

Discovery Learnerships Programme

Edcon Learnerships

Engen Learnerships

Ekurhuleni Metro Police Learnerships

Eskom Learnership Programme

Ernst And Young Learnerships

Exxaro Learnerships

FNB First National Bank Learnerships

Gijima Learnerships

Glencore Xstrata Learnerships

Gold Fields Learnerships

Harmony Gold Learnerships

IBM Learnerships

Implants Impala Platinum Learnerships

INSETA Learnership Programme

Kelly Learnerships

KPMG Learnerships

Kuyasa Learnership Programme

Lancet Learnerships

Letsema Learnership Programme

Liberty Learnerships

Lonmin Learnerships

Merseta Learnerships

Momentum Learnerships

Medi Clinic Learnerships

Microsoft Learnerships

Mintek Learnerships

MQA Learnership Programme

Murray & Roberts Learnerships

Multichoice Learnerships

MTN Learnerships

NAMPAK Learnerships

National Treasury Learnerships

Nedbank Learnership Programme

Netcare Learnerships

NYDA National Youth Development Agency Learnerships

Petra Diamonds Learnerships

Protea Chemicals Learnerships

Rand Water Learnerships

SABC Learnerships

Samancor Learnerships

Sandvik Learnerships

SAB Miller Learnerships

Standard Bank Learnerships

Sasol Learnerships Programme

SASSETA Learnerships

SETA Learnerships

Siemens Learnerships

South African Police Service (SAPS) Learnerships

Spoornet Learnerships

Telkom Learnership Programme

Toyota LearnershipProgramme

Transnet Learnership Programme

UTI Learnership Programme

Unilever Learnerships

Vodacom Learnership Programme

WBHO Learnerships

Woolworths Learnerships

Government Learnerships 2025 – 2026

Listed below are different sectors of the Government in South Africa that are offering Learnerships. These government Learnerships are very popular among the SA public. We are working on extending the list as there are many departments offering Learnerships.

Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Learnerships

Department of Environmental Affairs Learnerships

Department of Education Learnerships

Department of Health Kwa Zulu Natal Learnerships

Department of Health North West Learnerships

Department of Health Polokwane Learnerships

Department of Home Affairs Learnerships

Department of Higher Education Learnerships

Department of Labour Learnerships

Department of Public Works Learnerships