University of Otagouni Academic Progress Policy

University of Otagouni Academic Progress Policy

Academic Progress Policy

A student who fails to make satisfactory progress (i.e. pass half or more of the points enrolled for in a calendar year) will be placed on Conditional Enrollment and may enroll for a prescribed course of study only, in the next year of enrollment. Such a student who passes fewer than half of the points in the Conditional Enrollment year will be suspended from enrollment from the University for the subsequent two calendar years.

This policy will be applied to students transferring from other universities as if their previous study had been undertaken at the University of Otago. Students suspended under the academic progress policies (or equivalent) of other universities will not be permitted to transfer to the University of Otago until such time as that suspension has passed.

See also  University of Otagouni Credit

See Also: University of Otago Admissions