SARS: ICT Graduate Programme 2014

SARS: ICT Graduate Programme 2014

Closing Date: 13 July 2013

The  ICT (Information Communication | Technology) Graduate programme is now open.

The Graduate Programme places successful candidates within divisions of SARS to provide a combination of structured learning and workplace experience.  Trainees are given a 24-month contract and receive a monthly stipend.  At the end of the 24-month contract, trainees who meet SARS’s recruitment requirements and apply for an available vacancy may be placed in a permanent position.  Trainees will receive preference in the recruitment process.

The Graduate Programme is aimed at final year students at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as well as unemployed graduates who wish to pursue a career in SARS.

See also  SARB: Graduate Programme 2014

How To Apply

Please complete the online application form by 13 July 2013. Please note that most of the fields are mandatory, please complete the form in full.

The selection process will be concluded by the end of September 2013, if you don’t hear from us by then, please consider your application as not successful.