University of Otago Scholarships and Prizes Committee

University of Otago Scholarships and Prizes Committee

The Scholarships and Prizes Committee is a sub-committee of Senate, with oversight of University scholarships and Prizes.

Terms of Reference

  • To provide leadership and strategic advice on matters related to scholarships and prizes;
  • To submit such recommendations as it deems necessary to the Senate on policy and rules relating to the award of scholarships and prizes in the University, including proposals for new or amended scholarships and prizes;
  • To approve the award of University scholarships and prizes as delegated;
  • To recommend the award of other such scholarships and prizes as may be entrusted to it;
  • To provide oversight of the scholarship and prize programmes at the University of Otago, including monitoring of the allocation of funds;
  • To monitor candidates awarded University of Otago scholarships and grant approvals or make other decisions as are permitted by the regulations for such scholarships;
  • To select candidates for nomination for national external scholarships;
  • To report an annual list of scholarships and prizes to Senate;
  • To delegate its functions as appropriate.
See also  University of Otagouni Main Enrolment Period


Professor Richard Blaikie (Convenor)DVC (Research and Enterprise)
Professor Vernon SquireDVC (Academic)
Professor Helen NicholsonDVC (External Engagement)
Professor Robin GauldPVC, Division of Commerce and Dean Otago Business
Professor  Paul BruntonPVC, Division of Health
Professor Tony BallantynePVC, Division of
Professor Richard BarkerPVC, Division of

In Attendance

Professor Rachel Spronken-SmithDean, Graduate Research
Robin QuiggManager, Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships, 
Division of External Engagement
Peter BostonManager Postgraduate Scholarships, Prizes and Awards
Graduate Research School
See also  University of Otagouni Allowable Timetable Clash


The University of Otago’s representative on the Universities New Zealand Scholarships Committee is Professor Jacinta Ruru.

Meeting Dates

The Scholarships Committee normally meets three times per year, as required.

See Also: University of Otago Admissions