University of Otago Undergraduate Admission Dates

University of Otago Undergraduate Admission Dates 2019 – 2020

Undergraduate study

1 AprilApplications open for accommodation for second semester (specific deadlines apply)
30 AprilInternational student applications close for study beginning in the second semester
15 JuneStudents taking only second semester papers for a programme subject to the Entry Pathway system
1 JulyApplications open for Entrance Scholarships and close on 15 August, with the exception of Dux Scholarships (no closing date) and New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship (close 4 March)
1 AugustApplications open for first semester and full year accommodation (specific deadlines apply apply)
31 AugustTeacher Education Programmes (first year) (athough later applications will be considered)
1 SeptemberMusic Performance papers
15 September

Bachelor of Dental Technology (first year)
Bachelor of Oral Health (first year)
Bachelor of Radiation Therapy (first year)
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (second year)
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (second year)
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (second year)
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (second year)
Bachelor of Pharmacy (second year)

1 October

Bachelor of Laws (second year)

31 OctoberInternational student applications close for study beginning at the start of the following academic year
1 November

Bachelor of Social Work (third year)

15 NovemberBachelor of Surveying (second year)
1 DecemberInternational Student Study Abroad applications close for study beginning at the start of the following academic year
10 December

New and recommencing students, and returning students applying for a new programme, commencing in Summer School or first semester subject to the Entry Pathway system

See also  University of Otago Admissions 2019 / 2020

See Also: University of Otago Admissions