Donna-Rose McKay Scholarships

Donna-Rose McKay Scholarships

Statements (personal and disability statements)

Two personal statements are required to be uploaded into the eVision online application to apply for this scholarship. Make sure your documents include your name, Otago student identification number, name of the scholarship, and date. A template you may wish to use is available here.

  • One personal statement of no more than 250 words outlining the circumstances for applying for the scholarship and how the award would assist studying at the University of Otago.
  • One personal statement of no more than 250 words outlining your disability or disabilities.

Supporting document

You will need to upload a statement from a suitably qualified professional confirming you have a disability.

See also  Science Horizons Scholarship

Income and Asset Declaration Form

You are required to upload a declaration of personal and parental assets and income.


A referee’s name and contact information (email address) is required during the application process. Please keep the following in mind when approaching a potential referee:

  • referee information sheet can be given to your referee.
  • Your referee must agree to provide a reference for you. If you provide the name of a referee who has not agreed to provide a reference, this will disqualify your application from further consideration.
  • When entering referee details online, you will need to provide the email address for your selected referee, so make sure you ask for this when talking to your referee and make sure that you enter the email address accurately.
  • Your referee must be willing and able to provide their reference by the reference due date of 13 December 2018.
  • Statements you provide as part of your application will be provided to your referee to assist them in writing their reference.
See also  University of Otago International Research Master’s Scholarship

Reference requests will be sent by email to referees on Thursday 6 December 2018 and they are due on 13 December 2018.

See Also: University of Otago Admissions