University of Otago Medicine Application Process 2019 – 2020

University of Otago Medicine Application Process 2019 – 2020

Application process

Online registration and application

New and returning students are required to complete their application through eVision, which combines both your admissions and enrolment into the University of Otago, and your programme application.

HSFY category and Graduate category applicants should apply in the first instance to the ‘Health Sciences Undergraduate Professional Programmes’ and then select ‘Medicine’ from the list.

Alternative category applicants should apply directly to ‘Medicine Alternative’.

If you have any questions regarding your registration please contact the University Information Centre:

Tel 0800 80 80 98 (from within New Zealand)
Tel 64 3 479 7000 (from overseas)
Ask Otago: Frequently asked questions

Supporting documentation

For details regarding other required documentation, consult the appropriate checklist available at the end of each main category of admission section.

Appropriate witnesses

You should normally have your documents witnessed as true copies of originals by an authorised person i.e. a person listed in the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957 such as:

The following may also witness documents:

  • Notary Public
  • Court Registrar or Deputy Registrar
  • University of Otago Administrative or Liaison Staff
  • Member of Parliament
  • Land Transport New Zealand, Public Trust, or local authority employee (who must be authorised under the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957—an authorised stamp is required)

Students within New Zealand may wish to check the Yellow Pages for a list of Justices of the Peace in their area. Students from remote areas who do not have access to anyone in the approved categories should contact the University Information Centre for advice.

What the witness needs to do

Witnessed Document Example jpgWhen witnessing the photocopy this person must indicate the authority with which the copy is certified as true (e.g. Certified true copy, W B Smith, Justice of the Peace).

The person’s name should be printed under his or her signature if not easily legible.

Other officials or professionals should not normally be asked to witness documents. Check the Yellow Pages for Justices of the Peace in your area.

If you do not have access to anyone in the approved categories, you should contact the University Information Centre for advice.

Application deadlines

Applications for entry in 2019 close on 1 May 2018 (Alternative category) and 15 September 2018 (HSFY and Graduate categories).

Outcome of application

You will be advised of the outcome of your application no later than:

  • HSFY category: 21 December 2018
  • Graduate category: 21 December 2018
  • Alternative category: 31 August 2018

If you have a question regarding your application, you are able to contact us at:


All correspondence must include your Otago student ID number.

Accepting or declining offers

If offered a place, applicants will be advised on the deadline for accepting or declining the offer.

Please think carefully before making your decision; once you have declined your offer there is no opportunity to have the offer reinstated after the deadline has expired.

What is the waiting list?

If your Outcome of Application indicates that you have been placed on the waiting list, you will be contacted should a place become available. Waiting lists are programme-specific and you may not ask to be included on any waiting list other than the one(s) specified.

You can be offered a place from a waiting list right up to the time classes begin. Therefore, you must make sure that you continue your enrolment process for an alternative programme of study.

Deferral of entry

Successful candidates may request to defer their entry to the following academic year.

See also  University of Otagouni Course enrolment

Requests will be considered on the following grounds:

  • Serious medical grounds or other exceptional circumstances.

Candidates that are approved deferral will be required to provide evidence that they are able to resume study.

To apply for a deferral of entry please complete and return the deferral form (PDF 130 KB)

Deferrals will only be granted for a maximum period of one academic year.

Applicants must have their personal and financial affairs in order when they apply so that if their application is successful, they are able to take up a place at the start of the first semester.

English language requirements

Admission to the programme shall be subject to applicants meeting an English language requirement as determined by the Medical Admissions Committee, dependent on the category under which the application is made.

International students

International students are defined as all those students who require a student visa to study in New Zealand. In any given year, a limited number of places in the second year Medicine may be available to international students in the HSFY and Graduate categories. To be eligible to apply for admission to Medicine, international students must have completed all necessary prerequisites at a minimum standard, which is determined on a yearly basis.

Should an international student’s residency status change prior to notification of the application outcome, he or she must notify the Health Sciences Admissions Office immediately and will have to compete for admission with other domestic students.

Important dates

  • Online application closing date:
    • HSFY category: 15 September 2018
    • Graduate category: 15 September 2018
    • Alternative category: 1 May 2018
  • Outcome of Application sent out by:
    • HSFY category: 21 December 2018
    • Graduate category: 21 December 2018
    • Alternative category: 31 August 2018
  • Accepting or declining first round offers:
    • HSFY category: 3 January 2019
    • Graduate category: 3 January 2019
  • Health Sciences Admissions Office closed: 21 December 2018 to 4 January 2019
  • Medicine second year compulsory orientation: date to be confirmed
  • Medicine second year classes commence: date to be confirmed

Introductory classes are compulsory. Students who fail to attend classes on the start date risk losing their place.

Health and disabilities

Please contact the University of Otago’s Manager of Disability Information and Support, or the Health Sciences Admissions Office, if you have a health condition and/or disability that may affect whether or not you are able to meet the requirements of the programme or obtain professional registration.

Any applicant who has a mental or physical condition that could adversely affect their fitness to practice or is found to have failed to declare a condition may be declined admission to the programme by the Medical Admissions Committee on the recommendation of the Health and Conduct Review Group. Any offer of admission made before responses to medical requests or requests for information regarding an applicants health status have been received is conditional on the information received confirming the applicant’s suitability for admission.

Criminal offences

Any applicant who is, or has been, the subject of criminal convictions, or is, or has been, subject to disciplinary proceedings of a tertiary institution or professional body, or is found to have failed to declare a matter may be declined admission to the programme by the Medical Admissions Committee on the recommendation of the Health and Conduct Review Group. Any offer of admission made before responses to requests for information regarding an applicants past conduct have been received is conditional on the information received confirming the applicant’s suitability for admission.

As some convictions may prohibit registration, applicants are advised to consult the regulations of the registering professional body:

All applicants must consent to verification from the New Zealand Police and Department of Courts that there are no undeclared criminal charges or convictions.

See also  University of Otagouni Thesis

Health and Conduct Review Group

The Health and Conduct Review Group considers a student’s suitability for admission to a Health Sciences Professional Programme in regards to fitness to practice issues.

Health and Conduct Review Group – Terms of Reference (PDF 68 KB)
Health and Conduct Procedure (PDF 160 KB)

Vulnerable Children Act 2014

The Vulnerable Children Act 2014 is aimed at providing better protection for vulnerable children. One of the ways it aims to do this, is by introducing ‘safety checking’.

If you will work with vulnerable children—as part of a specified organisation that provides regulated services—the Act requires you to be ‘safety checked’ at least once every three years.

The safety check involves:

  • Identify verification
  • New Zealand Police vetting
  • Reference checking
  • An interview
  • A risk assessment

Applicants who enter the programme will receive further information regarding the timing of these checks.

Further information

University of Otago Child Protection Policy 
Oranga Tamariki (Ministry for Children website)
Vulnerable Children Act requirements (Oranga Tamariki website)

Culturally-sensitive issues

All students must participate in laboratory, practical and clinical activities, including those that may be unusual in some cultures. In the professional programmes, some aspects of the teaching will require individuals to practise certain techniques on each other that may involve partially undressing or body contact with other students. Training occurs under close supervision and all students are required to participate, as it is essential for their acquisition of clinical skills.

First aid certificate

All candidates who accept a place into Medicine must have a certified copy of an appropriate New Zealand first aid certificate before the start of the programme.

Applicants must gain this qualification through an NZQA-registered training provider who is authorised to assess NZQA first aid standards.

The certificate should include at least NZQA Standard 6401 and 6402, but students are recommended to obtain a qualification which includes the higher NZQA Standard 6400.

The following are a selection of recommended training courses:

Immunity status

All applicants who are offered and accept a place to the second year of Medicine will be required to provide evidence of their serology status.

Because of the nature of their practice, health professionals are required to take steps to ensure they neither acquire infections from their patients nor transmit infections to patients.

Immunity testing arrangements will be made known during December, preceding the start of the programme.

Please refer to the Infectious Diseases Policy for Health Professional Students (PDF 510 KB) for further details regarding immunity status.

Domestic place numbers

The maximum number of domestic student places available across all admissions categories for 2019 are 282.

Special examinations and adjusted paper marks

Applications from students sitting special examinations will be placed on hold until the special examination results are released. Once you receive your special examination results you must immediately advise the Health Sciences Admissions Office to ensure the processing of your application is completed.

As we do not receive special examination results automatically, it is applicants’ responsibility to inform us of the results of special examinations, or adjusted paper marks, as soon as they become available.

See Also: University of Otago Admissions