Botswana Accountancy College BAC Student Learning Resources

Botswana Accountancy College BAC Student Learning Resources

Student Learning Resources

Main Campus – Fair Grounds

  • Located at Plot 50661, Fairgrounds International, Office Park Gaborone, P/Bag 000319, Gaborone Botswana, T +267 3953062, F +267 3904103.
    • ICT Labs: – BAC resourceful computer labs are the centre of IT and Innovation for all students especially computing undergraduate programs. ICT labs are located in different areas. For more information please receive all the inquiries and locations from the main reception.
    • Lecture Rooms: – All class sessions are handled in lecture rooms that accommodate 40 to 50 students fitted with air condition systems, overhead projecters, double sliding white boards visible from a distance.
    • Auditorium: – A fully equipped lecture theatre with a capacity of 200+ located opposite the main cafeteria. The auditorium is equipped with sound systems, overhead projections, ICT systems that accommodates video conference systems.
    • Main cafeteria: – BAC main cafeteria located at the main campus to serve both Staff and students.
    • Resource centre: – Most of the printing, Photocopy etc. resources are located at the resources right from the main receptions. The resource centre is equipped with high capacity and speed multi-functional printing machines.

Fairground Financial Centre- Fair Grounds

Site location:– Located at Plot 50374, Block 1 and 2, 1st to 4th Floor, Southern Wing, Fairgrounds Financial Centre, Gaborone.
FFC building is the main financial centre located opposite BOMAID in Fairgrounds; FFC contains offices for Botswana institute of Chartered Accountants(BICA), Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) offices and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) among others.  This is a magnificent milestone building surrounded by prominent financial services organizations such as Price-Waterhouse Coopers, Gran-Thornton, Deloitte and just to mention a few. Botswana Accountancy College is privileged to be at the heart of this vibrant financial business area to provide the key service of shaping the lives of young Batswana students.

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The building consists of modern technological facilities and resources focused on undergraduate and professional programs, these facilities are:

  • Undergraduate  Programme staff room
  • Call Centre staff room
  • Modern Lecturer Wing  facilities
  • Cafeteria
  • Lecture Rooms: – All class sessions are handled in lecture rooms that accommodate 40 to 50 students fitted with air condition systems, overhead projecters, double sliding white boards visible from a distance.

Twin Towers – Fairgrounds

BAC has expanded its teaching facilities to the ground floor of plot 50370 East Wing where Microsoft and CISCO Academies are run.

Library: – Library resources equipped with accounting, business, ICT text books and e-resources, computer facilities with internet facilities for research.

BIFM Building – Fairgrounds

This is the main management building that consists of Executive Wing and our Academic Wing designed for post graduate programmes. The Executive Wing has a large reception area, Board Room with Video conferencing facilities for all Board and International meetings.

  • Executive  Wing Offices
    • Executive Director
    • Deputy Executive Director (Corporte Services)
    • Board Secretary
    • Head of Human Resources
    • Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
    • Board Room with VC facilities
    • Academic Wing – 3 classrooms
    • Cafeteria
  • Post Graduate Research Lab: – This is a modern state of art ICT lab with modern computer lab technology for research and development that accommodates Masters students  both MSc, ITM and PM.
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Francistown Campus

Site Location:– Barclays Plaza, Level8, Suite 81 & 83, Blue Jacket Street, P/ bag 137,Francistown, Botswana, Tel  +267 2410 558, Fax +267 2410 534.

Main reception
Francistown Campus will be relocated to the new campus building which is due to undergo extensive renovation work. The campus is situated at phase iv industrial site, near Botswana Meat Commission.

  • Lecture Rooms: – All class sessions are handled in lecture rooms that accommodate 40 to 50 students fitted with air condition systems, overhead projecters, double sliding white boards visible from a distance.
  • ICT Labs: – BAC resourceful computer labs are the centre of IT and Innovation for all students especially computing undergraduate programs. ICT labs are located in different areas. For more information please receive all the inquiries and locations from the main reception.

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