Do You Have A NSFAS Account?

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Do You Have A NSFAS Account?

Get ahead of the crowd by registering with the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) today.

NSFAS applications for the 2020 academic year are expected to open soon, giving eligible students the opportunity to access free government funding.

While students cannot apply yet, those who meet the criteria to receive financial aid can create an account and register on the NSFAS website immediately.


click Here for All Bursaries and Nsfas Details


Apply Online

If you are planning to apply online go to  My NSFAS to create your personal account today.

If you already have an account with NSFAS all you need to do is login to use your profile when the application window opens.

See also  NSFAS definition

Stay tuned for the NSFAS announcement and be the first to submit your application.


click Here for All Bursaries and Nsfas Details


Apply in Person

If you do not have internet access or prefer to submit your application in person you can do so at your nearest NYDA Centre.

The NYDA will help you apply online or manually. Alternatively you can complete the application at home and drop it at your local NYDA office.

If you choose to visit an NYDA branch you will have access to trained staff who can help you fill in the application forms and take you through the process.

To find a branch near you visit